[Verse-dev] Verse r3p1

Emil Brink verse-dev@blender.org
Tue, 6 Jul 2004 14:56:44 +0200 (MEST)


I just put up Verse release r3p1. Changes:

* Text nodes can be created, this code path was commented out in the
  r3p0 release.
* The text_set command was heavily rewritten, since it was more or
  less untested code from Eskil, and had some issues. I'm not saying
  what's there now is perfect either, but it has at least been some-
  what tested. Any new bugs are my fault. :)
* Fixed a bug in the emission of text_set commands when a new sub-
  scriber is added.

Basically, this brings the Verse reference server up to a point where
working with the text node is at least somewhat possible.

