[Verse-dev] Re: [Verse-dev]APiIchanges.

Eskil Steenberg eskil@obsession.se
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 18:31:45 +0100


As i guess you have seen there as been some stir on the blender web site.

Well, I plan to work on connector and some smaller tutorials. but first 
i want to make some changes to the verse API before too many are too 
deep in to using it. The suggested changes are:

change the function names:




This groups the functions nicely together.

The data setting functions in the geometry node like:

extern void verse_send_g_vertex_set_real32_xyz(VNodeID node_id, uint32 
vertex_id, VLayerID layer_id, real32 x, real32 y, real32 z);

should be:

extern void verse_send_g_vertex_set_real32_xyz(VNodeID node_id, VLayerID 
layer_id,uint32 vertex_id, real32 x, real32 y, real32 z);

It is a small change but it is more correct since vertexes are in the 
layers that are in the nodes. (originally it was like this but i changed 
it for stupid internal reasons, but im going to work around that)

Then there is the link commands in the object node:

extern void verse_send_o_link_set(VNodeID node_id, VNodeType type, 
VNodeID link);
extern void verse_send_o_material_link_set(VNodeID node_id, VNodeType 
type, VNodeID link);

They are complete crap, you can only have one link per type. Im going to 
replace this whit a system whit multiple named links so that you can do 
things like many materials on one surface, objects that are grouped 
under other objects and so on.

Im also going to add a counter to the text commands like I said i was.

Other then that there isnt much to do, I will try to remove the "uint" 
def in verse.h and add some "const"s

So what do you think? ok? There isnt that huge impact for any one who 
has written something,, other then possibly the link system.