[Verse-dev] Bitmap layer ids

Marcus Hoffmann verse-dev@blender.org
Tue Aug 17 10:42:12 CEST 2004

Emil wrote:
> > And another thing: What if a second user that is creating offline a
> > using first his internal client IDs. Then he starts to upload the hole
> > scene. And he has one or more layers with his internal IDs that
> > to IDs on the server.......
> Hm.. If you create data intended for Verse offline, then of course
> you must use some kind of mapping scheme between whatever layer IDs
> you need in the static (offline) data and the ones assigned to the
> layers by the server once the data "goes live". The "VNF" simplistic
> file format and loader tool used in Verse1 had a simple name-based
> scheme for this.

If you think this scenario to the end this will lead to the point, that
every client HAS to get the hole server world first! Then it has to parse
all the ids it got from the server, and finally the client has to change its
offline-created ids so that no ID exists twice. After all that processing it
loads its new nodes up to the server and the server has to look for every
new id sent with the create command if this id is still existing in the
system, becaus we could have a change request and not a create request. And
then you talk about realtime?
Imagine the server runs 3 days and 50 people loaded 100000 or more nodes to
the server..... And now every one who's connecting has to parse these 100000
ids... and me as server while getting the upload too - so we do the same
lookup on client and server!

This all could be avoided if the create command just creates... then any
client could give me ids as it wants - even if they all would be 0 - i would
create one valid ID on the server and send it back to the client and thats
it! No time wasting searches - not at the server and not at the client.

I agree with thorsten that its not a big deal to introduce a change
command... then it can be simply integrated and these two operations would
be separated. This is not about changing the verse system, just improving it
for easier use and maybe better performance! We are in an early state of
development, so better do such discussions now and solve it then in 1



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