[Verse-dev] verse-server bugs and problems

Thorsten Jordan verse-dev@blender.org
Sun Aug 15 10:08:40 CEST 2004

Eskil Steenberg wrote:
> Hi!
>> When i use my own vertex ids starting at zero, it works!
> I looked in the code and it turns out you could not create a 
> vertex/polygon with an id 256 higher then the currently highest one. 
> With the unordered sending style this value may have been too low. Try 
> this patch.
i have tried it, but it doesn't help.
I create and fill a geometry node with my "pusher" app, the server 
receives the data. When i connect a second client (the viewer), it 
receives the g_layer_create calls and then subscribes itself, the server 
receives the subscribe command and does nothing. The server reacts to 
further commands from the pusher (or further runs of it). But the viewer 
doesn't get any geometry (the server doesn't send commands). I retested 
it with sending vertex/polygon id's from 0 upward, it works. The 
proposed way (i do sending from 0xfffffffe downwards), still fails.

Greetings, Thorsten

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