[Verse-dev] verse-server bugs and problems

Thorsten Jordan verse-dev@blender.org
Fri Aug 13 09:18:59 CEST 2004

Emil Brink wrote:
> As I explained in my other message yesterday, this is due to event
> compression. Your follow-up indicated you understand the issue now,
> so hopefully we can leave it for the moment.
ok for me, but we should keep it in mind, it should be done another way ;-)

> One question, though: you use the wording "lock up" a lot, does this
> mean the server does indeed freeze, i.e. stop responding to e.g.
> other clients attempting to connect? If so, that is a "pure" bug and
> it would be interesting to learn where in the code it is sitting when
> this happens.
yes by lock up i meant it doesn't react to any further requests.
this seems to depend on how many data is sent and how long does the
output take... ok, in the meantime i have new results, see below.

>>Please focus your work on things that matter, like these, and not wether
>>node_ids start at 0 or 1. ;-)
> Heh.
sorry, i had been coding and debugging too long ;-)
for me, i think it's not that important with what number the ids start,
when compared to other pending decisions or problems.

> Well... I'd say you can't, since vertex IDs are assigned by the host
> and not by the client. Also, any dependency on the order of things
ah, ok then this is my fault. i just use my own numbers and send them to
the server... could explain why some triangles are missing, i will fix
that and report the results.

> should be avoided, since Verse cannot guarantee that commands sent
> are processed in the order they are sent; the underlying UDP network
> protocol is (by design) too "weak" to preserve such order anyway.
ok, then we have to live with it ;-)

!!addendum, important!!

i have two clients, one is a tool that pushes geometry and materials, 
the other just views the scene.
i have changed the pusher code so that it uses decreasing 
node_id/layer_id/vertex_id numbers (starting at 0xffffffff).
The server receives the data. When i connect the viewer to the server, 
the client receives the node list and subscribes to geometry nodes. The 
server receives the susbcribe calls and does nothing. It hasn't crashed, 
because i can stop and rerun the clients, the pusher will push all data 
again, the viewer will again try to connect - without success.

When i use my own vertex ids starting at zero, it works!
This is embarassing!

Greetings, Thorsten

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