[Verse-dev] Numerical IDs [R4]

Marcus Hoffmann verse-dev@blender.org
Wed, 11 Aug 2004 09:35:29 +0200

> How ever if you in your client application would do this it would
> render your application invalid. Since the host is in charge it
> could atempt to send you a id larger then a signed id can handle
> this may chouse you app to break.

hmmm... the client gives me some id number but I set the node id and give it
back to him, so i don't think that the server can crash because a client
gives me a number that is to large.

> Obviusly this problem is rather a theoretical one since it would
> require you to have two billion nodes before the problem would show
> up.

yes... thats what i thought about in the beginning... this case is a really
theoretical one and i have caught it in an if case.
and i re-use deleted ids for my nodes so its getting more theoretical to
reach the end of the int range... so i don't think thats a big problem. if i
get to that point any day i can think of a different implementation. ;)
