[Verse-cvs] Game Design ?

Gilbert Wirt gilwirt at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 8 07:21:06 CET 2018

'Seeking cogent/aggressive game-design....

'Below are game designs I want platformed/marketed asap:

Eco-Warrior: traverse many types of industrial, military, media settings; objective: to destroy as many earth-threatening aspects of the systemic-infrastructure as possible, while avoiding authorities’ security measures, including local law enforcement, military; enemies attempt your detainment, capture, incarceration, or death; enemies: multinational corporate plastic/petroleum/weapons-makers, global developers, human slavers, game poachers, corporate farming/food interests, commercial fisheries, aerospace and communication companies, pharmaceutical firms; upper levels allow assassination of global power wielders; further upper levels demand reaching time-machine to travel backwards to destroy previous destructive-powers, and create whole new threats from alternative time-lines; at these advanced levels, a player can remake future player-settings(when beginning a future game), by remaking time; common objectives with former-present: to destroy target eco-threats while avoiding interaction with security for points, while avoiding capture/incarceration or death/too many temporary detainments(bribes from accrued points free the player); accrued detainment/incarceration-time, or death, end the game.
Rave or Die: traverse many different dance-music event settings such as festivals, party boats, resorts(e.g. Ibiza, Goa), desert gatherings, one-offs held at warehouses/lofts/water-parks/convention centers(e.g. San Diego ‘97, Long Beach ‘01)/vacant lots; objectives: dance/drug(ecstasy{MDMA}, mushrooms, acid{LSD}, GBH, balloons{NO2}, Cannabis, DMT, STP{looks like DMT, only smoke this, you lose}) while procuring water and dance partners; avoid: rolling e-biffs/bettys, drug-dealer thugs, promoter sex perverts, bouncers/security, photographers/videographers, poseurs, scene kids, goth kids, candy kids, plur{“peace-love-unity-respect”, said as a monotone-mantra}-bunnies/barneys; enemies: thiefs, rhohypnol-dosers(weilding hidden dildos!), alcohol peddlers, heroin-users(weilding needles!), hippies, crusty-ravers, jocks, model-muscle boys, future-starlets, leather-queens/dominatrixes, law enforcement; upper levels are known events visited by reaching time-machine(former location of Paradise Garage in NYC) to travel to them; objective is to be as high as possible while dancing with as many people as possible(bonus points for exchanged hugs); accrued over-doses demand visits to rehab or death, dehydrations demand time-consuming extra-water breaks or death, arrest by authorities cause detainment and possible death by fellow-inmate assault; death means game is over.
Strong Arm Las Vegas: Visit Sin City not as a tourist, but leader of a paramilitary cadre made up of former military(identified/chosen from a list of skill-based experts); goal: shake down the gullible/over-trusting/over-fed/over-monied masses who carry access to U.S. dollars; these masses carry cash to feed organized-crime’s endlessly voracious appetite for the income of empty-souled idiots.  Avoid: less ostentatious people with less conspicuous bling.  Also: collect jewelry from the blatantly wealthy; overtake limousines and luxury/exotic vehicles to fleece occupants.  Enemies: countless security elements such as LVPD, Casino hired-guns, private bodyguards, armed heroes; bonus points for disabling opponents with fists/legs; small deductions for inflicting minor gunshot wounds; large deductions result from causing potentially-fatal injuries or deaths.  Helicopters can be downed with surface-to-air missiles, which cost many points to use, or by military-grade copters purchased with adequate points; higher levels require overcoming actual federal troops sent in to qualm your attacks.  Points deducted for injuries requiring visits to in-house field-trained medics, more points taken for visits to accredited/illicit surgeons.  Highest levels require elimination of betraying-cohorts as well as military; game ends with zero points or fatal injury.(follow ups: Strong Arm Atlantic City, Strong Arm Bayou Delta)
Surf Rat-traverse the world’s surf spots to carve, shred, off-the-lip, pull ariels at the greatest left/right/
beach/reef breaks; get jet-ski towed into Waimea/Todos Santos/Jaws/Teahupu; avoid: locals, beach-bunnies, photographers/videographers, partiers, fishermen, property owners, other surfers, barneys/kooks, aggro-groms{aggressive young riders}, slow-farts{old and in the way}, windsurfers, kitesurfers, swimmers, seals, sea-lions, walruses, dolphins, sharks, rocks, coral, reefs, Somali pirates, party-boaters, sailors; enemies: violent locals, wannabes, jocks, cops, soldiers, fishermen, commercial fishermen, thieves; upper levels are epic seasons/spots throughout time with legendary surfers reached by finding Gerry Lopez in Indonesia to borrow his time machine, or visiting Laird Hamilton in Maui and kissing his wife while he's gone so you can use his time machine, or by beating Kelly Slater at golf and earning a trip in his Porsche time machine; traveling back changes surf-style, as player is limited to only then-available boards; objective is to increase a player’s stoke level, which rises with number of places visited and waves surfed; most difficult waves/settings earn more points; accrued wipe outs/confrontations with pursuers, or capture by enemies, decrease stoke; below a certain stoke-level, game is over.
Sportbike or Suicide: the world’s roads are your amusement park; objective is to get paid to ride; win bets on races to finance travel abroad to buy bikes and ride other roads; with enough wins bettering other riders’ road-course times or(secondarily)street racing, gain access to the world’s tracks to have fellow riders publicly-executed; higher levels allow wild-card entries into pro-races to represent factories and privateers, who may be killed in track-executions at highest levels, which provides player team-ownership; avoid: squids{young/poor riders}, scooters, cars, animals, pedestrians, bicyclists, stunters, photographers/videographers; enemies: property owners, private security, hater-assholes in sports cars, armed hater-assholes in SUVs, local cops, highway patrol, military; hospitals/health-care visits decrease dollars; upper levels require traveling time by reaching Valentino Rossi's hot-tub time machine, or John McGuiness' pub/time-machine, or, at the highest level, go into a trance to meet Joey Dunlop for personal time-travel assistance; there in the past, race legendary riders/races; the risks involve limitations of older bikes available; lower level objective is money; upper level objective expands to include extra lives; accrued injuries, fatal crashes(upper levels only; on lower ones, one and you are done) mean game over; game-slogan: “Got the Sickness?”{with image of rider leaning nearly horizontal-sideways on a curve}.
Home Invasion-traverse neighborhoods of  various U.S. cities, ensuring a profitable income for you, your descendants and mate(s); objective is to collect as much value in others’ items as possible.  In a variety of residential settings, disarm Hi-tech security and pick locks to elude potential discovery while pilfering maximum cash, jewelry, portable electronics, small firearms, and collectibles such as baseball card/stamp/coin-collections.  Gloves are worn, but obstacles require action, so shoot tranquilizer darts into yapping dogs, disable heroic patriarchs and rent-a-cops, make getaways in a fortified vehicle to various safe houses in your network of fellow thieves.  Points are deducted for gunshot injuries to self or others, visits to illicit bullet-removing doctors, detainment; various identities are available to escape arrest but cost points and can only be used once; fencing(selling to illicit buyers) items is a must, and threats from exchange-ripoffs require potential action similar to robberies.  Accrued arrests/injuries cause excessive point deductions; zero points or death by gunshot causes game to end.

I invite you to inquire for interest in developing these designs; I hope for a future
working relationship with your more-informed perspective as
a resource from which I may grow as a new designer.

With Genuine Regard,
Gilbert G. Wirt III, BA/MFA
gilwirt at yahoo.com

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