[Verse-cvs] Delivery report

postmaster at makeupknight.com postmaster at makeupknight.com
Wed Oct 18 23:13:54 CEST 2017

Hello, this is the mail server on makeupknight.com.

I am sending you this message to inform you on the delivery status of a
message you previously sent.  Immediately below you will find a list of
the affected recipients;  also attached is a Delivery Status Notification
(DSN) report in standard format, as well as the headers of the original

  <bigglesbairstow at bigpond.com>  delivery failed; will not continue trying
-------------- next part --------------
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URL: <http://www.blender.org/mailman/private/verse-cvs/attachments/20171018/a751e669/attachment.bin>

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