[Verse-cvs] CVS commit: ample/include Ample.h ample/src Ample.cpp AmpleGeometry.cpp AmpleSession.cpp

Camilla Berglund clb at nada.kth.se
Tue Jul 12 17:30:03 CEST 2005

elmindreda (Camilla Berglund) 2005/07/12 17:30:03 CEST

  Modified files:
    ample/include        Ample.h 
    ample/src            Ample.cpp AmpleGeometry.cpp 
  Added tracking of highest geometry component ID.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.9       +25 -3     ample/include/Ample.h
  1.4       +17 -0     ample/src/Ample.cpp
  1.8       +5 -1      ample/src/AmpleGeometry.cpp
  1.10      +49 -1     ample/src/AmpleSession.cpp

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