[Uni-verse] Questionnaire from the commission

Lauri Savioja Lauri.Savioja at tkk.fi
Thu Apr 10 09:59:41 CEST 2008

Dear Gert,

Please, find attached an updated version. I'm happy to tell that I  
could add another journal paper to the list. It is still in the  
publication queue of the journal, but the paper has been accepted and  
I have even seen the proofs of the paper (and Uni-Verse is mentioned  
in the Acknowledgments :-).

All the best,
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On Apr 9, 2008, at 5:57 PM, Gert Svensson wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> the commission wants us to fill in a short survey about the  
> "results" from the project including publications etc.
> I have filled in some parts. Comment or expand if you like!
> Lauri, can you update the info about the journal article and more  
> papers if possible?
> Best regards
> Gert
> <Questionnaire.xlsx>_______________________________________________
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prof. Lauri Savioja
Department of Media Technology, Helsinki University of Technology,
PO Box 5400, FI-02015 TKK, Finland
tel. +358-9-451 3237, mobile tel. +358-50-590 5209, fax. +358-9-451 5014

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