[Uni-verse] Pre-review meeting in Brussels

Marcus Hoffmann marcus.hoffmann at igd.fraunhofer.de
Fri Jun 15 16:25:20 CEST 2007

Hi Lauri, Ludde, Gert,

Initially this was an old problem/bug (renderer is stealing the object node
with id 0) we fixed already earlier in the project, but due to some version
conflicts it re-appeared for some reason in later versions.
As far as I remember I fixed this issue and sent a new version to Ludde. I
haven't had feedback on that. If it is still appearing I will have a look at
that next week again! 

>I discussed about the acoustic demonstration with Ludde and 
>Peter on Tuesday. We concluded that we will run the demo Ludde 
>has now in his laptop consisting of UVAS, sound renderer, 
>Verse server and Connector. In addition, we would like to run 
>some other rendering client, either Quel Solaar or OSG 
>renderer, but at the moment both of them have problems, and it 
>seems that they are not suitable for navigation. With OSG 
>renderer the problem is related to that it "steals" the first 
>object in the world, and if that happens to be the listener, 
>then the demo is quite quiet. Ludde is able to tell in more 
>detail of these problems, but as far as I understood Quel 
>Solaar is difficult to start, and typically it won't run at 
>all in any of the configurations Ludde has. Now I would like 
>to: Is someone working to remedy these problems with renderers?

Best Regards

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