[Uni-verse] Meeting

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Tue Feb 6 22:59:44 CET 2007


I'm afraid i will miss the later part of tomorrows PPC meeting because  
i have a doctors appointment (nothing serious).

I just got of the phone with Remi Arnaud at Sony Computer  
entertainment and he would really like us/me to attend GDC. Here I  
what he has proposed: we will get a place at Khronos Booth where we  
together with Collada will show the usage of verse and Collada for  
game development. Also we get a time slot on the main Khronos stage   
to give an hour of demonstration. This how ever would probably cost us  
500 USD. We would get access to Sonys Private room for Private  
meetings and the plan would be to have a number of prearranged  
meetings with developers there. Sony would help us make the  
appointments. Remi would also talk to Khronos to try to get me a free  
exhibitors pass.

Beyond this I would come a little early and stay a bit late in order  
to be able to have an opportunity to prepare for the show and also  
have some strategic meetings. We will spend this time making sure our  
tools will run with the PS3.

I have also talked to EA who have invited me to come and speak and  
spend some time in Vancouver where their main technology centers are  
located. I'm now In contact with the head of technology at EA. As it  
turns out I have a friend living in Vancouver, so all I would need  
extra is a ticket from SF to Vancouver. This leg of the trip i could  
therefor fund myself. EA is very interested in using our technology.

I think this is a very nice opportunity that would be very cost  
effective (it would probably land on less then 2500 Euros). As you can  
imagine strong contacts with both Sony, Khronos, and EA would  
strengthen our dissemination significantly.



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