[Uni-verse] Announce: Verse r6p1

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Fri Sep 29 16:02:50 CEST 2006


We just released version r6p1 of the Verse core, please see the verse-dev
list for the detailed changes.

The code is available in CVS now. I included a minimal archive of just the
server, library, and header file, in the release announcement there.

I just wanted to say that it would be excellent if we were able to use it as
a common grounds for the code developed on the meeting next week, since it
really is the latest, and contains many fixes compared to r5. It also makes
for less confusion and overhead, since all our tools are already running on

Also, I deeply second Gert's wishes that people bring whatever is necessary
in order to rebuild their software here during the meeting. That way, we
can perhaps devote an hour or two to helping people with any problems that
might occur when re-building the software against r6p1.



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