[Uni-verse] Functional specifications

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Tue Sep 26 13:36:43 CEST 2006

Niklas Forslund wrote:
> Hi


> Included you will find the checklist for Functional 
> Specifikations,WP8.1. Persons responsible for answering are:
> WP3: Emil Brink
> WP5.1.1: Emil Brink
> WP5.2: Emil Brink
> WP5.3 Emil Brink
 > [...]

Gosh, I had quite a lot of workpackages! Rather surprising. I have
attached an updated version of the document, where I have filled in
the WP:s that I have worked with. Some (like WP3) must have been
assigned to Eskil, but since they are rather old, filling in a bunch
of "yes":es was easy enough for me to do.



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