[Uni-verse] Audio demo situation?

Samuel Siltanen saasilta at cc.hut.fi
Fri Nov 17 16:22:00 CET 2006

On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, eskil at obsession.se wrote:

> Hi
> >These were the first things I did actually. So what is it you wanted to know?
> >We have got a green background and a bunch of lines.
> You dont think telling me what you see when you run my app can be of help
> figuring out what is wrong? This tells me you have a working geometry pipeline
> but that they are shaded black. You still havent told me if there are any
> light sources on the scene. If there are no light sources (and im fairly
> convinced there are none), Quel renders it black (as it should) where as OSG
> adds default light sources. Add a light source using Co On. Emil has sent you
> two new versions of the executable, wich are you running?
> >See the attachment.
> You are quite obviusly running on old hardware/drivers. You have no shader
> support. Try updating your drivers, tell me what graphics card you have and
> send me the output of QS.

We tried with an other computer and everything worked fine. Thanks for 
your help. We would have tried this setup before, but we got a broken 
motherboard and harddisk.

> >I just have not found our IRC discussions very fruitful so far.
> Well you dont seam very interested in letting us help you. This could go a lot
> faster, if you would argue less, and do as we ask.
> >The problem is that the machines are just temporarily connected by a switch,
> >and the connection to the outer world is insecure. We do not want to take a
> >security risk here. An other reason is that the data on our server is
> >constantly changing during the testing. But the model we use is the newest
> >"testscene" on Mattias's page.
> You need to get a machine that can comunicate with the outside world. This is
> a project about networking.

We have deattached the computers, because we are testing the setup for 
the IST demo already, and are about the pack them for transporation. It is 
kind of late for debugging, you know.

Samuel Siltanen
saasilta at cc.hut.fi

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