[Uni-verse] Audio demo situation?

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Fri Nov 17 14:19:12 CET 2006


Here what you (and every one else who has problems with QS) should do:

-Change the background color in to something different then black.
-Atempt turning on wire frame mode.
-Use laterst version. (OS should not make a difference)
-Try downloading www.quelsolaar.com/collada.zip , in it you will find  
a scene.vnf file, uplad it and have a look at it, send a screen shot  
to me.
-Join #verse at freenode.net so we can talk.
-make your verse server public ( verse_server.exe  
-ms:ip="master.uni-verse.org:4950" -ms:de="the server i have a problem  
with seeing the content of" ) so that i can check the data.
-Make sure you have light sources.


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