[Uni-verse] Re: listener place from OSG-renderer

Peter Lundén plu at tii.se
Thu Nov 16 10:04:05 CET 2006

A listener is represented in Verse as an object with tag-group
"listener". OSG-renderer is suppose to create and handle such object.


 Raine Antero Kajastila wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to get UVAS to get the listener location from OSG-renderer. 
> How does UVAS get Camera coordinates and orientarion from verse?
> -r
> On Thu, 16 Nov 2006, Peter Lundén wrote:
>> Have you tried the latest UVSRP version 0.6.1 ?
>> --PLu
>> rakajast at cc.hut.fi wrote:
>>> hi,
>>>> You have to explain to me how you made the PD solution.
>>> Here I include self explanatory PD-patch to explain PD-solution for
>>> network problem. I think you need Pd 0.39 for running it.
>>> -Raine
>>>> --PLu
>>>> Raine Antero Kajastila wrote:
>>>>> I tested with 5 order reflections and whitout a problem...
>>>>> I'm fine with this solution, seems to work perfectly.
>>>>> Now I'll have to leave from work. I'll try to be here early tomorrow,
>>>>> because we have LOTS to do here for two days...
>>>>> -r
>>>>> On Wed, 15 Nov 2006, Raine Antero Kajastila wrote:
>>>>>> or you don't want to read this:)
>>>>>> I made simple PD netsend/netreceive implementation and it works:)
>>>>>> I just tested it with loudspeaker system and it works perfectly.
>>>>>> I tried with ./uvas -bdgs 7 -r 20 -o3 ... And total sent messages
>>>>>> between
>>>>>> two computers were 94880.
>>>>>> In this system I'm using netsend with TCP. Maybe we should check how
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> connection is done in that PD-external? Or maybe do that after the demo
>>>>>> and use this crazy hack in the demo?
>>>>>> -r

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