[Uni-verse] Report wp7.3 Very URGENT

Lauri Savioja las at tml.hut.fi
Wed Mar 22 12:19:07 CET 2006

Hi Ludde,

Thanks for nice report!

I have only one major suggestion, and it is about the figures. The
illustration in the current version is minimal, and adding some nice
figures would enhance the readability of the document, in my
opinion. Especially, one figure showing the different managers and
their relations in the UVAS framework would help. Another figure could
show the different phases in the beam-tracing method. Actually
illustrating the functionality of the phases would make understanding
of the system still easier. I know it takes a lot of time to make
high-quality figures, but could you still give another thought on this
issue :-).

There are some minor language problems in the text. If someone could
proofread the text it might get a bit more fluent.

If there is no time to make the improvements, the document can be
delivered as is.


On Fri, 17 Mar 2006, Peter Lunden wrote:

> Dear Gert,
> Please, attached my report on WP7.3 on the Audio culling module.
> Regards,
> --PLu

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Lauri Savioja
Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Laboratory
Helsinki University of Technology
PO Box 5400, FIN-02015 TKK, Finland
Tel. +358-9-451 3237     Fax +358-9-451 5014

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