[Uni-verse] Acoustic Material Database

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Tue Mar 21 16:26:10 CET 2006

Emil Brink wrote:
> Hm. I opened it in OpenOffice.org, but since it seems to use macros
> and stuff, I'm not sure it's compatible. If you already have such a
> CSV-formatted version lying around (or can create one more easily than
> I), could you please send it to me?

(Replying to self)

On second thought, perhaps the problem was more due to me not noticing
that the file had multiple sheets, with what looks more like the tables
I was looking for "hidden" on sheet #2. Heh.

Still, there's plenty of data there that I wouldn't know what to do
with, and I count (I think) 22 frequency "bands"? My current program
only supports 10. I was under the impression your design supports either
10 or 32, but that the 32-case isn't fully specified yet.

I think I'd need some serious hand-holding to do the right thing with
the data from that spreadsheet.


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