[Uni-verse] Agenda and preparation of the PCC meeting tomorrow URGENT

Lauri Savioja las at tml.hut.fi
Wed Mar 1 15:53:35 CET 2006

Dear Gert,

I have a lecture tomorrow starting at 13.15, but I should be able to
finish it in an hour. So, 1400 is OK for me.


On Wed, 01 Mar 2006, Gert Svensson wrote:

> <>Dear Friends,
> before deciding about the time for the IRC PCC meeting tomorrow I wait 
> for responses from some of the partners.
> II can only attend a 1400 meeting.
> MinusPlus can only attend a 1000 meeting.
> KTH, Paregos and FHG is OK with both.
> What about Blender and HUT?
> To speed things up I would appreciate if you could send your short 
> status reports
> requested below to the uni-verse list before the meeting tomorrow.
> 1) Status of the software release testing by Blender volunteers. Any 
> feedback? (Blender)
> 2) Status of the economic reports (II, FHG, Blender)
> 3) Status of periodic report (Almost all)
> 3) Status of D5.1 3d studio plug-in (Mattias, KTH)
> 4) Status of D5.2 Administrative tools (Eskil, KTH)
> 5) Status of D7.3 Audio culling module and D7.4 Sound rendering module 
> (HUT, II)
> 6) Status of the updated specification
> 7) Status of the report on the architectural demonstrator (II and MinusPlus)
> 8) Additional PCC meeting for approval of deliverables?
> ?
> Best Regards
> Gert
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Lauri Savioja
Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Laboratory
Helsinki University of Technology
PO Box 5400, FIN-02015 TKK, Finland
Tel. +358-9-451 3237     Fax +358-9-451 5014

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