[Uni-verse] Re: PCC meeting

Gert Svensson gert at pdc.kth.se
Sun Jun 11 21:09:09 CEST 2006

Log from the IRC meeting:

[10:00] <Marcus> good morning
[10:00] <Gert> Good morning Marcus!
[10:01] <Gert> Who more do we expect? Ludde Ton Eskil...
[10:02] <Peter_ii> Ludde will not be able to make it, but we have 
prepared the agenda
[10:04] <Gert> A fairly weak attenance
[10:04] <Gert> Emil is on vacation
[10:04] <Gert> I haven't heard from Ton so I thuoght he would join the 
[10:05] <Marcus> should we then shift he meeting to a later date
[10:05] <Marcus> ?
[10:06] <Gert> We can cover some of the point now. Like the status of 
the deliverables
[10:06] <Gert> Can we start with II
[10:06] <LauriS> I'll be around next week, but after that on vacation 
(mostly). Second week of July is OK for me.
[10:07] <Gert> The mesh generation stuff Peter Any news on that?
[10:07] <Peter_ii> Two reports are due from us, both late, that is 5.4 
and 7.5
[10:08] <Gert> How is things going with the perceptual module?
[10:09] <Gert> Any time schedule?
[10:10] <Gert> Hello Peter!
[10:11] <Peter_ii> Ludde plans to deliver 7.5 in July
[10:11] <Peter_ii> He is focusng audio render based on PD and demonstrator
[10:11] <Peter_ii> Martin, I can't tell when at the moment
[10:11] * LauriS changes topic to 'Do we have a new reduced agenda?'
[10:11] <Peter_ii> Time for perceptual: Ludde plans to deliver 7.5 in July
[10:12] <Gert> About the agenda I take the point I can a hope that some 
more joins later.
[10:12] <Gert> Marcus How about your reports?
[10:13] <Marcus> I will deliver the reports until end of June... we 
focussed on the development first....
[10:14] <Gert> And the development is sort of completed or are some 
parts missing?
[10:15] <Marcus> we have to do some minor updates in the renderer and 
integrated radiosity but everything is included and working...
[10:15] <Marcus> the radiosity is integrated into the renderer as well 
as a subdivision algorithm...
[10:16] <Gert> Are they running on all operating system?
[10:17] <Marcus> they are running on windows
[10:17] <Marcus> we did not use special windows libraries
[10:17] <Marcus> or anything that would only run under win
[10:18] <Gert> So they may be ported?
[10:18] <Marcus> so it should be possible to compile it on other systems 
[10:18] <Marcus> qt is platform independent and we used that for the GUI
[10:18] <Marcus> the same for threads
[10:19] <Gert> Could you upload binaries as well?
[10:19] <Marcus> yes i can do
[10:19] <Marcus> for windows...
[10:20] <Gert> For eskils renderer I think most of the things work but 
the report in not completed
[10:21] <Gert> For the testing meeting Marcus: Should we use IRC or 
Marratech or Skype to connect you?
[10:22] <Gert> Well you can answer that later if you like
[10:22] <Marcus> i have both available...
[10:23] <Marcus> i think martin knuth will attend the meeting too....
[10:23] <Gert> BTW what is the staus of the PDA renderer?
[10:23] <Marcus> he did most of the stuff in radiosity and osgrenderer
[10:24] <Gert> Great that Martin joins the meeting
[10:24] <Marcus> i did not include the avatar position uploading yet... 
not quite sure how much effort this will be
[10:25] <Gert> But other parts work fine?
[10:25] <Gert> Would it be possible to have a binary to test on our Ipaq?
[10:26] <Marcus> other parts are working...
[10:26] <Marcus> but you would have to compile it by yourself... because 
you must compile it for every different processor type...
[10:26] <Gert> Ot do you need some special model?
[10:26] <Gert> Aha
[10:27] <Marcus> i have written a short howto and included it into the 
source code package
[10:27] <Gert> So there is no way we could distribute binary versions?
[10:27] <Marcus> i wouldn't make sence
[10:28] <Marcus> unfortunately
[10:28] <Gert> But how are commercial companies doing? I think you can 
buy SW for Ipaqs?
[10:29] <Marcus> on mobile hardware programmed with c or c++ you have to 
recompile the code for every special hardware
[10:29] <Marcus> the build it for every different hardware i think
[10:29] <Gert> OK
[10:29] <Marcus> i only have one and a half pda's here (the second one 
is much older)
[10:30] <Gert> Do you need a new model to run properly?
[10:31] <Gert> I thinking about the demonstration on SIGGRAPH Marcus 
will you come?
[10:31] <Marcus> verse model?
[10:31] <Gert> Ipaq model
[10:31] <Marcus> no i have a newer one: fujitsu siemens pocket look
[10:32] <Marcus> loox
[10:32] <Marcus> everything is working fine there...
[10:32] <Gert> Will you come to SIGGRAPH?
[10:32] <Marcus> SIGGRAPH: i don't think i can attend because i have 
several deadlines around that date...
[10:32] <Gert> It would be nice to show the PDA there
[10:33] <Gert> We should think about how that could be arranged
[10:33] <Gert> So no one from FHG will come?
[10:34] <Marcus> i don't think... i have to talk to jörn again but right 
now it is not planned
[10:34] <Gert> OK
[10:35] <Gert> So only KTH and Blender of course will attend SIGGRAPH?
[10:35] * ton has joined #uni-verse
[10:35] <LauriS> None from II ?
[10:35] <ton> eeek!
[10:35] <LauriS> Hi TOn!
[10:35] <Gert> Hi Ton!
[10:36] <ton> i got totally distracted with bugfixing :)
[10:36] <ton> seems i'm not the only one being confused with summer 
weather :)
[10:37] <Gert> Emil is on vacation.
[10:37] <ton> first day above 20 degs here since ages
[10:37] <Peter_ii> Hi
[10:37] <Gert> Eskil is probably sleeping :-)
[10:38] <Peter_ii> We do not plan to go to Siggraph, saving for more 
audiofocused occasions
[10:38] <Gert> The warm wether will come to Sweden tomorrow I heard
[10:38] <LauriS> I see
[10:38] <LauriS> Same for use
[10:38] <LauriS> use -> us
[10:38] <Peter_ii> But we actively take part in creating the material as 
you know
[10:39] <Peter_ii> web, leaflet, posters, etc
[10:39] <ton> ok!
[10:39] <Gert> Ton We have coveed point 2 and 3 on the agenda and 
discussed that only Blender and KTH seems to go to SIGGRAPH
[10:39] <ton> yeah, i guessed so
[10:40] <Gert> Lets go back to point 1
[10:40] <ton> the volunteers for booth are streaming in though, i'm 
almost settled
[10:40] <Gert> Can we use them also or do we need to take some special 
action on that?
[10:40] <ton> 2 very good sysadms too, one works for company 2 blocks 
away, he can get us last minute cables, network stuff, whatever we need
[10:41] <ton> Gert: the least thing I expect kth then to do is provide 
the demos on permanent spot
[10:41] <ton> i bet eskil will go too? then he'll love todo talks on 
large screen
[10:42] <Peter_ii> what summer ;-)
[10:42] <Peter_ii> Returning to deliverables, WP5.4, Martin now promises 
to deliver - code and report - in a week
[10:42] <ton> oops; point 4 agenda is sig :)
[10:44] <Gert> Of course we willset up the demos and we will man the 
Uni-Verse booth but with only three persons (Gertm Eskil, SLas) we would 
need helop with manning
[10:44] <Marcus> i'm sorry but I have to leave in 15mins.... one of our 
collegues has his promotion today...so we others are a little bit 
stressed to organize everything around :)
[10:44] <Marcus> is there everything you want to discuss with me?
[10:45] <Gert> Not that I think of just now Any comments on other parts 
of the agenda
[10:45] <Gert> Shall we go back to the agenda for a while :-)
[10:46] <Gert> The web site
[10:46] <Gert> The reviewers feel that the web site should be improved
[10:47] <Gert> I heard that Ton and Paregos had some ideas to improve 
the web site but I haven't heard any details
[10:47] <Gert> Ton could you say something about this?
[10:47] <ton> at least the animation from paregos should be there
[10:47] <Marcus> maybe we should do something that is more visible... 
because we did changes last time, but the site looks the same as before
[10:48] <Gert> But wasn't there a new graphical design as well?
[10:48] * LauriS changes topic to 'web site'
[10:49] <ton> Gert: i didn't get any material in
[10:49] <ton> asked for new header design a long time ago...
[10:49] <Gert> So you wait for material from Paregos?
[10:50] <ton> if they make new header we can add it
[10:50] <ton> when would a first movie version be done?
[10:50] <ton> maybe nice to use gfx from the movie for header
[10:50] <Gert> well the first movie version was shown on the review
[10:51] <ton> we'll definitely need it for sig
[10:51] <Gert> the final movie will be complted in a couple of weeks
[10:51] <Peter_ii> A complete movie in two weeks according to Niklas
[10:51] <ton> i'm already looking at rental of 60 inch screen :)
[10:52] <Gert> Could a user forum be valuable on the web site?
[10:52] <Gert> Ton: would that be difficult to add?
[10:52] <ton> our typo3 doesn't have forums
[10:53] <Gert> How do you do the Blender forums?
[10:53] <Peter_ii> and could we expect traffic, how is traffic today
[10:53] <ton> a forum is most valuable when it is being actively 
moderated, daily visits of someone to reply all
[10:53] <Peter_ii> thats true
[10:53] <Gert> I think we could do that
[10:54] <ton> a forum is a tool to solve issues, not to get attention really
[10:54] <ton> there's no community yet, and you cannot build one simply 
by opening forum
[10:54] <Gert> So how do we build a community?
[10:55] <Gert> What is the start?
[10:55] <ton> took me years of work!
[10:55] <Peter_ii> how is traffic today at our site?
[10:55] <ton> 100% devotation to website work
[10:56] <ton> someone who's adding content all the time, replies 
mails/postings, etc
[10:56] <ton> then do that a full year
[10:56] <ton> then you get community, with little bit of luck
[10:57] <ton> Peter_ii: i dont have recent stats
[10:57] <Peter_ii>  crude measure?
[10:57] <ton> ?
[10:57] <Peter_ii> of visitors at site
[10:58] <ton> lemme check...
[10:58] <ton> no, last analyse was april 18th
[10:58] <ton> it has to be run manually
[10:59] <ton> the amount of traffic we got thanks to movie was giant
[10:59] <ton> 150-200k *visitors* per day
[11:00] <Gert> The problem with the web site is that it's so hard to 
update stuff
[11:00] <ton> adding pages with content on site is not hard?
[11:01] <ton> writing the text and collecting good images is most of work :)
[11:01] <Gert> We have to go to Ton, Angela or Emil which is an extra step
[11:01] <ton> i gave everyone who wanted account
[11:01] <ton> can easily add you and explain how it works
[11:02] <Gert> I have seend emil stugle with typo3 Not sure I could cope 
with that :-)
[11:02] <Gert> stugle = strugle
[11:02] <ton> within blender.org there's mixed feelings about the typo3 
move yes...
[11:02] <ton> we are experimenting with wiki and blog software now too
[11:03] <Gert> Any progress on that?
[11:03] <ton> slow...
[11:03] <Peter_ii> i beleive content is the bottle neck, even though 
typo3 is a bit clumsy but working as far as concerns CVS
[11:04] <ton> we suffer same as universe :) the sites need updating, but 
nobody likes the writing part
[11:04] <ton> websites is just giant amount of work
[11:05] <ton> in my corporate days, blender site had 2 full time workers 
on it, plus part time sysadm
[11:05] <Peter_ii> Our site changes very little in content, isn't 
content the dominant bottle neck
[11:06] <ton> well; first thing we can do is to add the movie, and new 
design for frontpage (header)
[11:06] <Peter_ii> agree
[11:07] <Peter_ii> and pay atention to regular updates, siggraph ie
[11:07] <Gert> You didn't really answer my questions Ton how the forums 
in Blender are done?
[11:07] <ton> Gert: they run with separate software
[11:07] <ton> http://www.blender.org/forum/
[11:07] <Gert> And that is difficult to set up?
[11:07] <ton> this goes outside of the typo3 system
[11:08] <ton> i can probably add a hidden forum...
[11:08] <ton> only accessible via the universe site
[11:09] <ton> but i would first try to promote the uni-verse developer 
maillist, and feebdack email address more
[11:09] <ton> a forum with no visitors is just pathetic
[11:09] <Peter_ii>  first priority is regular updates, once a week would 
be at huge step, on web and maillist
[11:09] <Peter_ii> I think Ton is right a forum is a lot of work
[11:10] <Gert> work for whom?
[11:10] <ton> the moment there's need for forum it'll happen
[11:10] <ton> i dont think universe is ready for it
[11:10] <Peter_ii> for moderating, adding stuff
[11:11] <ton> the demonstrators we have are also not really end-user 
[11:11] <ton> like; if we do a public 3dstudio plugin release, you can 
open support forum yes
[11:11] <Peter_ii> Having one person responsible for weekly web updates 
is the key, and a monthly letter or so
[11:11] <ton> or mail address
[11:12] <Gert> we will have a 3ds release for SIGGRAPH
[11:12] <ton> good!
[11:12] <ton> btw; our secret sponsor is redhat
[11:13] <Peter_ii> nice!
[11:13] <ton> so the systems we will rent (or get sponsored) will have 
to run redhat fedora
[11:13] <Gert> That included Uni-Verse as well?
[11:14] <ton> having one windows system there might rise questions :) 
but maybe you can bring a fast laptop yourself with it?
[11:14] <Marcus> i have to leave now... see you in two weeks at the 
testing meeting online...
[11:14] <ton> so you show linux connecting to 3ds
[11:15] <ton> Gert: uni-verse is sponsor too, so!
[11:15] <Gert> I don't think we have fast enough laptop
[11:15] <ton> but it would help to present it in the right way
[11:15] <Gert> what?
[11:16] <ton> well; focus on free and open source for digital media blah 
blah :)
[11:16] <ton> if you only show 3dsmax, it's a bit weird
[11:17] <ton> we can rent a fast laptop though
[11:17] <Gert> Of ocurse we wil not only show 3dsmax I would like to 
show 3ds, Blender and Gimp
[11:17] * Marcus has quit IRC ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. 
[11:18] <ton> nevertheless; it could help if you can prepare a full 
working setup with 3DS in kth
[11:18] <ton> it doesnt have to be giant fast... rendering you wont demo
[11:19] <ton> just decent graphics
[11:19] <ton> i mean; you'll bring a laptop yourself anyway?
[11:19] <Gert> of course we will test things at KTH first
[11:19] <Gert> and I bring my laptop
[11:20] <ton> it might work really good if you can use that on booth
[11:20] <Gert> what do you mean. we are not allowed to have a stationary 
windows machine there?
[11:21] <ton> not allowed is a too harsh statement :)
[11:21] <Gert> But it would rise questions?
[11:21] <ton> i would present it as something extra
[11:22] <Gert> But isn't it good that the open source world is able to 
communicate with the commecial world
[11:22] <ton> yeah i know...
[11:23] <ton> well; I gave you my advise
[11:23] <Gert> OK we can discuss this later on.
[11:23] <ton> if you dont want to bring laptop, we'll do a normal system
[11:23] <ton> but i would do it on laptop
[11:24] <ton> it's always same here... i have to talk for like 20 
minutes to get you moving gert
[11:24] <ton> this stuff i do all the time. i got a good feeling for 
good presentations
[11:25] <Gert> we can disciss thsi later on
[11:26] <Gert> Is the common DVD decided on?
[11:26] <ton> the dvd handout will depend on the quotes i get for the 
booth construction, AV rental and computers...
[11:27] <ton> doing 3000 free dvds costs about 4000 dollar
[11:27] <ton> i think we need 5000 even
[11:27] <Gert> how long is the production time?
[11:27] <ton> i do have a volunteer who likes to do the collecting and 
[11:28] <ton> my guess is 2 weeks before siggraph
[11:28] <ton> 1 week with a bit luck
[11:28] <ton> i try to get it reproduced in boston
[11:29] <ton> usually repro is 1 week
[11:29] <ton> the theme is "the open digital media studio" blahblah
[11:29] <ton> might find better title :)
[11:30] <ton> but all of universe deliverables can be on it, and 
documentation, etc
[11:30] <Gert> We sholud try to have the latest versions availble in time
[11:31] <ton> would be cool yes
[11:31] <Peter_ii> BTW the layout of the booth
[11:31] <ton> we'll have blender and blender+verse in time
[11:31] <Peter_ii>  is splendid I think, do you agree?
[11:32] <Gert> Yes that excellent
[11:32] <ton> i really hope i can get the good quote for that...
[11:32] <ton> i found sponsor for the giant prints
[11:32] <Gert> what fubctionality will be in the belnder+verse release
[11:32] <ton> but for the setup we have to use a Union-approved company
[11:33] <ton> america is total communist in that respect... we cannot 
even screw a bolt ourselves
[11:33] <ton> Gert: i expect jiri to have threaded support done
[11:34] <Gert> is this the "final deliverble" fulfiiling the spec in 
[11:35] <ton> jiri already works on proposing to add it in the official tree
[11:35] <Gert> thats great!
[11:36] <ton> but how much this fulfills the spec?
[11:36] <ton> we still have to define the 'minimal comliancy level' for 
all our tools
[11:36] <ton> +p
[11:37] <Gert> but in the 2.3 spec deliverbale you have promised some 
specfic functionality
[11:37] <ton> aah that
[11:37] <ton> yes, that's quite close or finished
[11:37] <Gert> I just asked if this release fulfills this spec
[11:37] <Gert> great!
[11:37] <ton> i thought other specs
[11:37] <ton> like verse compliancy tests etc
[11:37] <Gert> I understand
[11:38] <ton> i didnt look at this for past month though
[11:38] <Gert> That is really good work of jiri
[11:38] <ton> i want to have all sig stuff settled before july 1
[11:39] <ton> it'll be really big fun to do :)
[11:39] <ton> Gert: who is "SLas" ?
[11:40] <Gert> Mattias Claesson the 3ds plugin delevoper
[11:40] <ton> aah mattias!
[11:40] <ton> ok cool
[11:40] <ton> well; be prepared to talk to bizz developers, journalists, 
[11:41] <ton> we also have to make press releases
[11:41] <ton> one common, and one for universe
[11:41] <Gert> sure
[11:41] <ton> you have to print like a 100 of them, and put in the press 
[11:41] <Gert> OK
[11:42] <ton> i will also make sure entire booth has network
[11:42] <Gert> Could we ave sort of a list of all the things we need to 
do before July 1
[11:42] <ton> so if you setup verse server, any system can access it on 
[11:42] <Gert> That is great
[11:43] <ton> yes i have to make scenario still with dates
[11:43] <ton> i guess eskil is the one most interested in full conf badge?
[11:44] <Gert> I guess so
[11:44] <ton> and mattias can setup verse server?
[11:44] <Gert> what do you mean: at the floor?
[11:44] <ton> yes
[11:45] <Gert> No problem
[11:45] <ton> i want saturday/sunday for tech setup
[11:45] <ton> monday we can do demo rehearsing and last minute disasters
[11:45] <Gert> we will arrive fridau evenig so thats fine
[11:46] <ton> my guess is that sunday is best day for you
[11:46] <ton> so we can do setup/install etc saturday
[11:46] <Gert> OK
[11:47] <ton> btw; we can get 36 exhibutor badges
[11:48] <Gert> aha good
[11:48] <ton> so if you know people in your network who like to hangout 
a bit, or who likes free tickets...
[11:48] <ton> we also get 150 free show tickets
[11:49] <ton> that will be for online registration
[11:49] <ton> have to setup method for it
[11:49] <ton> not likely we can get rid of it all
[11:49] <ton> it is tradeshow-only, no other access
[11:49] <Gert> will uni-verse get some of the 150?
[11:49] <ton> you can get 50 if you want
[11:50] <ton> but i doubt you can use that many :)
[11:50] <ton> i thought of adding a public call on website for it, 
collect mail addies of people interested
[11:50] <ton> this can be on universe site too
[11:51] <Gert> sounds excellent
[11:51] <ton> will give you info later
[11:51] <Gert> great
[11:51] <ton> lets do most of this on ML
[11:52] <Gert> yes
[11:52] <ton> gnome/gimp is also fun to have around
[11:52] <LauriS> yes
[11:52] <ton> inkscape and aqsis join too
[11:52] <ton> inkscape guy works for creative commons too, he has great 
[11:52] <Gert> I think SIGGRAPOH will be great!! Thanks for the 
excellent work Ton!
[11:53] <Peter_ii> Hear
[11:53] <ton> yep!
[11:53] <ton> ok... so meeting can end now?
[11:53] <ton> oh!
[11:53] <ton> Peter_ii: doesnt II have cool movie clips?
[11:53] <Peter_ii> Some more on the testing meeting
[11:54] <ton> you have a large organization... maybe you can get someone 
to make a 1 minute promo for necro project?
[11:55] <ton> or for the audio system?
[11:56] <Peter_ii> We have discussed the focusing of the message,
[11:56] <ton> has to be visual only, no sound...
[11:56] <ton> on tradeshow sound will disappear
[11:56] <LauriS> It definitely will disappear there!
[11:57] <Peter_ii> yes, thats another reason we didnt want to bring it up
[11:57] <Peter_ii> dont you think the visuals should be clearly focused, 
not hte wide uni-verse offer,
[11:57] <ton> we can use the general paragos clip yes
[11:58] <Peter_ii> but on connecting apps, people, content production line
[11:58] <ton> i think kth won't demo audio render, right?
[11:58] <Gert> No
[11:58] <ton> so if you can make something to illustrate this visually
[11:58] <ton> it can even look like powerpoint
[11:59] <Peter_ii> this?
[11:59] <ton> eh...?
[11:59] <Peter_ii> illustrate what?
[11:59] <ton> illustrate the audio system
[11:59] <ton> and/or necro
[12:00] <ton> i can insert that in the video loop on plasma screen
[12:00] <ton> and gert/eskil/mattias can show it on universe demo computers
[12:01] <ton> there's plenty of VR people and architecture/cad people
[12:01] <ton> would be nice when we can at least show some of highlights
[12:01] <ton> well; think it over
[12:02] <Peter_ii> we'll try and make a visual pres
[12:02] <ton> the audio render system kth is making should definitely at 
least be mentioned on booth
[12:02] <ton> eeh HUT
[12:02] <ton> and II :)
[12:03] <LauriS> :-)
[12:03] <ton> even when only 20 people see it, there's a whole load of 
scientists walking around there
[12:03] <LauriS> That is true
[12:03] <ton> maybe print a leaflet with info on it?
[12:04] <ton> i would consider eskil/gert/mattias to represent all of 
[12:04] <ton> apart from blender :)
[12:05] <ton> focus can be on the tools side, but once in while you get 
visitor interested in the other stuff, they should get material then to 
handout or show
[12:05] <Peter_ii> Is there space for posters
[12:05] <Peter_ii> we have plans for two
[12:05] <ton> at least 1
[12:05] <Peter_ii> also some leaflets
[12:05] <Peter_ii> size?
[12:06] <ton> there's a 150x150 cm board to fill
[12:06] <Peter_ii> A2, a3?
[12:06] <Peter_ii> ok
[12:06] <Peter_ii> fos us alone, our side of tabel top
[12:06] <ton> that should mention at least something with audio in it
[12:07] <ton> i will mail design specs for this later
[12:07] <Peter_ii> good
[12:07] <Gert> that is good
[12:07] <ton> all depends on the construction we get offered
[12:08] <ton> ok... i gotta go now
[12:08] <Peter_ii> are there plans for stands with leaflets?
[12:08] <ton> not planned
[12:08] <ton> you can put that on table or so
[12:09] <ton> you think you can have 3 or 4 leaflets printed?
[12:09] <Gert> 3 and 4 differents markets?
[12:09] <Gert> Maybe
[12:10] <Peter_ii> we'll think of that - each one market maybe
[12:10] <ton> we have time to think this over, at least a month
[12:10] <Gert> well with vacations and things like that it's not much time
[12:10] <ton> int the printing company a blender user works, we might 
get good last minute service
[12:11] <Peter_ii> Lauri are you planning any leaflet on audio, jointly 
[12:11] <ton> Gert: check with paregos if they can do
[12:11] <LauriS> No idea, jointly isOK :-)
[12:11] <Gert> we have discussed this with paregos
[12:12] <Peter_ii> we have discussed web, poster, leaflet and film in total
[12:13] <Peter_ii> Content is one part, a uni-verse common design anotjer
[12:13] <Gert> I hope the design to come from Paregos
[12:14] <Peter_ii> Should we decide on a later check point, after test 
session, before vacation?
[12:15] <Gert> You mean a IRC meeting
[12:15] <Peter_ii> yes
[12:15] <Peter_ii> with ton, niklas etc
[12:16] <Gert> They day efter the test meeting?
[12:16] <ton> Gert: i depend on variables I don't know yet
[12:16] <Gert> June 22
[12:17] <ton> as soon as the booth constructer is defined, i can mail a 
briefing to the sig maillist
[12:17] <Gert> We can decide on that later I think most of the work 
should be over email
[12:17] <ton> my estimate is we need to design it in weeks around july 1
[12:17] <ton> try if you can get someone then
[12:17] <Gert> what do you mean by it?
[12:18] <ton> (week before or week after 1 july)
[12:18] <ton> for making the large poster
[12:18] <ton> universe logo, some texts, nice image...
[12:18] <Gert> why not earlier?
[12:19] <ton> it's unknown
[12:19] <Gert> the size?
[12:19] <ton> i need as much time possible to get good deal for booth
[12:19] <ton> will need to accept tables and stuff they got in stock
[12:19] <Gert> of course
[12:19] <ton> so how it looks like? no idea
[12:20] <ton> maybe it will be 4 round pillars even
[12:20] <Gert> The final design of the poster can be done in the last 
[12:20] <Gert> as long as the texts are sort finsihed
[12:20] <ton> yep the execution of it.
[12:20] <ton> that can start today
[12:21] <ton> (concept, texts, etc)
[12:22] * ton has to go now. mail me if theres questions!
[12:22] <Gert> sure!
[12:22] <Gert> Bye
[12:22] <ton> <click!>
[12:22] * ton has quit IRC ("Client exiting")
[12:22] <Gert> Any more or should we close the meeting
[12:23] <Peter_ii> Test session: who  will take part from HUT?
[12:24] <LauriS> Samuel and Raine
[12:25] <Peter_ii> Good
[12:26] <LauriS> Are we finished?
[12:26] <Peter_ii> Yes
[12:26] <LauriS> ok. Bye!
[12:26] <Peter_ii> bye
[12:26] <Gert> See you
[12:26] * LauriS has left #uni-verse
[12:30] * Peter_ii has quit IRC ("Chatzilla [Firefox]")
[13:21] * Disconnected

Emil Brink wrote:

> Gert Svensson wrote:
>> Dear Friends,
>> this is the agenda for the PCC meeting tomorrow Friday Juny 9:th at 
>> 1000 MET DST via IRC
>> irc:irc.freenode.net/uni-verse <http://irc.freenode.net/uni-verse>
> [...]
> Did someone take notes, or (better, IMO) save out the complete log of
> the IRC meeting? It'd be nice to get up to speed before the IRL meeting.
> Of course, the most probable thing is that a protocol is being written,
> but hasn't made it out to the list yet. But I thought I'd ask anyway. :)
> Regards,
> /Emil

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