[Uni-verse] Notes Uni-verse PCC 060112

Peter Becker, II peter.becker at tii.se
Thu Jan 12 12:14:40 CET 2006

Notes Universe-project 060112

This is the agenda for the  PCC meeting tomorrow  Thursday Jan 12 
10.00-12.00 CET DST
via IRC server: irc.freenode.net <http://irc.freenode.net> channel: 

Present: Lauri, Gert, Emil, Ton, Marcus, Peter L, Peter B

1 Approval of D5.2 "Purple standard library"
Decision: approved

2 Change of  Annex1. (My conclusion is that no formal change is required.)
Decision: approved

3 Uni-Verse software release
Release news channels for Uni-verse discussed, Blender frontpage being 
one important. Feedback to verse-dev which is open.

Pre-release testers asked for by Gert, for 14 days pre-release testing. 
Ton offers Blenders developers list of 3-400 dev.

4 Status reports from partners:

4.1 HUT and II:  Audio

> Since last report we have implemented and debugged the beam-tracing 
> module. The debugging has been a night-mare and has taken much more 
> time than we thought. Most of the functionality in this module is now 
> working but there are still a few minor bugs to be fixed. Two things 
> are currently missing or behaving bad, first all phantom sources are 
> reallocated at each frame (this is relativly easy to fix) which is bad 
> for the renderer. Second an algorithm to close the spatial cells are 
> missing, this is more complicated to fix and it will take a while to 
> implement it. In the meanwhile only simple geometry which is specially 
> prepared can be used.
> We have also made it possible for the UVAS framework to get sound 
> sources and listeners from a verse server. The funtionality has been 
> implemented and seames to work but futher testing is needed.
> A renderer based on Snd3D (my old 3d-sound system)  is almost working 
> now. It has no air- absorption or reflection filtering yet.
> We hope that everything will be finished and a report produced well 
> before the 15th of March.
> Best regards,
> --PLu 

>I'll continue the audio status report regarding 'WP7.4 sound
>rendering'. The sound rendering software is finished for Mustajuuri
>platform. It is running on pd as well but there are still some
>performance problems, and Mustajuuri is more efficient platform at the
>moment. The report is finished due March 15th.
>In addition, I'm happy to tell that our conference paper disucssing
>the acoustic geometry reduction was accepted to the '6th International
>Conference on Auditorium Acoustics', and will be presented there in
>May. At the moment we are preparing a journal paper on that as well,
>but we still need to enhance the algorithm to get better results
>before publication.
>	Lauri

4.2 FHG: Rendering Clients, Radiosity, Alternative Server

>WP 4.1 High Performance Rendering Client
>IGD: Heyewall OpenSG Cluster Client
>Current State: 
>- Verse R5 support
>- Multithreaded
>- OpenSG integrated
>- Support of multiple distributed Viewports realized (= prestep to
>Open Issues
>- H-EyeWall calibration
>- Integration of more Verse node types
>WP 4.2 Slim Rendering Client
>Current State
>- Verse R5 integration (optional feature)
>- Porting of all used libraries to VS embedded C++ 4.0
>- Porting of rendering client code to VS embedded C++ 4.0
>- Compiling on new PDA Hardware
>Open Issues
>- More testing
>- Problems with stability and performance of Verse over WLAN, need more test
>models and a better loader
>WP 5.5 Radiosity Module 
>Current state:
>- Basic Verse connection
>- Static radiosity calculations (creating lightmaps)
>To be done:
>- Extend Verse support
>- Extend radiosity functionality looking to dynamic scenes
>- Optional: Integration into High Performance Client
>WP 6.1 Data Reduction
>Closed according to schedule (month 14)
>WP 6.2 Alternative Server implementation
>Current state (work in progress):
>- Verse R5 support (optional feature 8)
>- Multithreaded (including access to/from Verse using multiple threads)
>(optional feature 6)
>- Advanced user interface (optional feature 9)
>- MySQL based user and project management as stand alone solution is
>complete (C++/QT based administration). (agreed modification of the WP)
>To be done:
>- Complete Verse support (not all commands are interpreted right now)
>- Integration of user and project management into server (agreed
>modification of the WP).
>- Project loading and saving for backup (agreed modification of the WP)
>Sascha Schneider

User management with mySQL database connection as standalone lib added. 
PDA ported to Verse R5.
Tests with wlan are running and also will at KTH.
HUT reports a DXF loader developped.

4.3 KTH: Administrative tools, Maya and 3DS Plug-ins

> Here is a short status report for KTH:
> 1) Purple completed. Waiting for open source adoption? Ideas?
> 2) Administrative tools. (due month 18) Completed except the geometry 
> layer painting tool. Eskil can give the details of this,
> 3) The work with the plug-ins (due month 18) for Maya and 3DS has 
> taken considerable longer time than expected.
> Camilla who worked with Maya plug-in has quit due to health problems. 
> No resources to complete the Maya plug-in.
> Mattias continues with the 3DS plug-in but much work remains.
> 4 High quality renderer
> Good progress.

4.4 Blender: Orange and verse

> We're now a little over the half of the project schedule, and 
> needless  to say the work pressure and stress is reaching a high 
> point! :)
> Nevertheless, the product we're making is totally awesome!
> In november we've done several verse tests in the studio, but in  
> december this has halted due to the workload, but also the 3 weeks we  
> had the Tech Dev not available in the studio. He's back now, and has 
> been  assigned to organize more testing and finish reporting.
> Below you can read what he has sent me as preliminaryh notes. 
> Detailed  use cases of the tests will follow soon (end of week, early 
> next week).  This will result in a first report on on both 
> Blender-Verse usability,  and a review of Verse itself.
> Next to that, last december Jiri has started working on a 
> gimp-blender  integration, which can become a real winner for us!
> For the agenda I'd like to add how we're going to start the public  
> verse server.
> -Ton- 

A preliminary Tech report was enclosed
Ton asks for some features from Uni-Verse like
user management, scene management and persistant storage

4.5 II:  Dynamic Mesh Generation Verse-Necro
Martin reports

>An integration between Necro3D game engine and Verse is running
>- generative algorithms for geometry and textures are implemented
>- as demonstrator a planetary simulation system is under construction, with physics and collision, generating a new planet every time a new user connects to verse server through a necro client or a verse client
>Screenshoots and a first report beginning of Feb, release end of Feb, and final including report in March.
>Martin reports instability in verse server, often crashing. At +5 000 vertices verse slows down.

5 Planning:
Reporting period ends last of Jan.
Economic reports at latest end of Feb to KTH

6 New version of specification including Orange and the architectural 
Blender will contribute material for Orange part of D2.3, #8. PLu will 
lead work on Architectural demo of D2.3, #8

7 New version of D9.1 and D9.2
Angela is heading this work.

8 Reports for the review
Gert will make a plan for reports, ready at March 15 for sending to 
Date for the review 11-13 April, will be proposed to the Commission

notes by Peter Becker
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