[Uni-verse] Request for an article in German magazine "Digital Production"

Peter Becker peter.becker at tii.se
Wed Dec 13 14:25:22 CET 2006

Hi, great
we are on track, give us a lead - ie a framework


Marcus Hoffmann wrote:

>Hi all,
>The leading German digital content creation magazine "Digital Production"
>asked us to provide them with an article about Uni-Verse and Verse.
>The magazine mainly targets DCC professionals and gives a continuous
>overview about the latest development and innovations in 
>DCC area covering e.g. the newest functionality in Maya, Softimage,
>Lightwave, 3DS or the latest high quality production rendering methods as
>well as post processing programs and methods in video production etc.
>The article will be published in German language, but I think we can do a
>translation for the partners (or for a Uni-Verse website
>publication) afterwards.
>The article will cover 4 pages and should consist of 14000 characters
>including figure comments etc. and some nice high quality images. It would
>be necessary to have input from the Uni-Verse partners including important
>aspects we want to have published. We thought about mentioning the Orange
>movie (is that still the name of it?) and providing them with some images
>from the movie.
>We certainly would need your help in writing the article. You can of course
>provide input in English and we will do the translation. We will come up
>with a content list shortly. Also, if you have any ideas what should be
>included, please let me know. Furthermore, I would need images for
>If we want the article to be published in February we will have to write the
>article by the end of the year. It is possible, but only if I get the input
>from you. So are you available next week, especially 
>	- KTH (Gert, Emil)
>	- II (Peter B., Peter L.)
>	- HUT (Lauri)
>	- Blender (Ton)
>Best regards
>Uni-verse mailing list
>Uni-verse at projects.blender.org

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