[Uni-verse] Demo for the review

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Wed Aug 30 17:45:17 CEST 2006


> One problem during the last review demo was, that the different tools did
> interpret the scenes in a different way. Therefore our renderer for example
> could not show the demo scene in a correct way because of some
> misinterpretations of the data.

The spec states how data should be interpreted and Emil has made a  
host of different demo scenes that you can use to test your  

Two and a half year has gone by and we still haven't had the chance to  
test your software even though we have offered to do so. Perhaps you  
should take advantage of that.

If we are making software that works only for a specific demo whats  
the point of the project? Testing for only a single scene or usage is  
invitation to problems, and ultimately useless software.



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