[Uni-verse] Review demo situation

Peter Lundén plu at tii.se
Mon Apr 24 12:23:48 CEST 2006

Dear partners,

I think the situation is terrible. Many of the components for the demo 
at the review still does not work properly. As soon as I try something a 
new problem shows up. Some of the components I have tried to use does 
not even pass the simplest thinkable tests and basic functionality seams 
as it has never been tested properly. I can not work as a testing 
central for the whole project, each partner must be resposable for his 
own components. Every component has to be tesed aganst a verse server 
and a desent set of test data.

I think this problem is very serious and a major obstacal for the 
success of the project. My suggestion to solve the problem is that we 
agree on a set of test cases and that all components must successfully 
run relevant tests to be considered as funcional.

Best regards,
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