[Uni-verse] Siggraph 2006 plans

Ton Roosendaal ton at blender.org
Sun Apr 23 11:06:04 CEST 2006


Oops, I've attached the wrong pdf. :)
Here is the correct floorplan:

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Url : http://projects.blender.org/mailman/private/uni-verse/attachments/20060423/da6376d9/06Floorplan1-5-06-0001.pdf
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On 22 Apr, 2006, at 14:23, Ton Roosendaal wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've had a couple of quite positive and cooperative emails from the  
> Siggraph chair John Finnegan (who attended a Blender BoF even!).
> Even though the Blender Foundation doesn't really qualify for the  
> "Academic booth discount" offer, John has ensured that we can get a  
> 75% discount as well, and he has instructed the tradeshow organization  
> to be fully cooperative on realizing this (for example the requirement  
> was dropped that you cannot present other companies/products than your  
> own).
> So; apart from a confirmed full-day Sunday BoF in a theatre room (in  
> Conference building), I'm now trying to get an "Open Source Pavillion"  
> organized. For the next 3-4 weeks I've got an option to get a 20x30  
> feet island booth (close to Rhythm'n'hues, Hash), and I'm collecting  
> sponsors and partners to help us with it.
> Current status:
> - Gnome (Gimp) & Uni-verse expressed interest to be partners
> - Linux Fund seriously considers to sponsor
> - RedHat is interested as sponsor (I've also asked them to make for us  
> a free handout Siggraph DVD with a collection of all open CG  
> software/docs/demos)
> - HP might deliver us the workstations (or another RedHat sponsor)
> - Creative Commons is considering to sponsor
> My preference is to use material of Elephants Dream as a theme for the  
> booth. I can arrange large prints etc. I will also try to get the  
> booth constructed in ED style, with scaffolding, cables/wires and  
> hopefully some junkyard machine trash.
> The booth could have four to six "demo pods", each devoted to a  
> specific aspect of open source CG creation. Here the individual  
> partners can get a permanent showcase.
> I also like to have at least 1/3rd of the booth reserved for public  
> demos; a large screen with projection and a continuous show of demos.
> When I got the financing arranged, I also like to invite other OS  
> projects to contribute like Inkscape, Aqsis, Python, Cinepaint (??),  
> Krita, K3d...
> I've defined May 15th to be the go/nogo date... hopefully we have time  
> next week to decide at what level Uni-Verse (or individual partners)  
> would like to be involved with it.
> -Ton-
> Attachment: check booth #2229.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---
> Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton at blender.org  
> http://www.blender.org
> <S2006 Academic Space App.pdf>
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Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton at blender.org  

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