[Uni-verse] Google Summer of Code

Ton Roosendaal ton at blender.org
Sat Apr 15 11:36:58 CEST 2006

Hi Gert and all,

Google opened up applications for "Mentoring Organizations" for the  
'summer of code' project again. Blender Foundation got 10 grants last  
year, and this year we participate again too.

I would advise the KTH to submit on behalf of uni-verse as well;  
universities and even companies are allowed participate too, for as  
long it is within open source context.

The main requirement is that you have to appoint a 'project  
administrator' for this, someone who will coordinate the submission  
period and find mentors to help the students out.
You also have to publish a list of possible projects students can apply  

Ideas for projects could be;
- plugins for existing applications (paint programs, 3d tools, etc)
- applications built with the Purple framework

The overhead for a Mentoring Organization is quite minimal, especially  
compared to a EU project. A mentoring organization will also get 500  
USD per student for expenses.
Of course you can use blender.org cvs services and project space for it.

More info:

Sumbission closes may 1!

(Note; of course every Uni-Verse member can apply for own non-verse  
projects as well!)


Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton at blender.org  

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