[Uni-verse] Re: OSGVerse

Peter Lundén plu at tii.se
Wed Apr 12 09:03:45 CEST 2006

Very good, Im looking foreward to test it.

Does it have other means of navigation than the trackball mode now?

I think we should have a deeper discusion about node naming convensions, 
it will be needed in the future but for now let say you call it 
"renderer" for the sake of the review.

In the long run we need a more elaborate naming, for instance you need 
to be able to identify different renderes as there might be more then 
one attached to the server, is'nt that the whole idea with the system 
that you can be more than one particepant. It would be very good if we 
can come to an agreement in the consortium in this matter. It will be 
needed for the big demo.


Marcus Hoffmann wrote:

>Hi Peter,
>Wouldn't it be a faster and easier way to just name the Renderers Object
>node to e.g. Renderer instead of creating and submitting a tag group and
>Just an idea....
>The upload of the transforms and rotation works now, I'll send you a version
>if we have discussed the naming.
>Best Regards
>Marcus Hoffmann
>Dipl. Ing. für Medientechnologie
>Abt. Echtzeitlösungen für Simulation und Visual Analytics
>Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung
>Phone: +49 (0)6151 155 - 639
>Mail: marcus.hoffmann at igd.fraunhofer.de

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