AW: [Uni-verse] Re: OSGVerse

Peter Lundén plu at
Thu Apr 6 10:42:36 CEST 2006

Hmm... think we missunderstood each other. What I refere to as 
orientation is identical to the information in verse_o_transform_rot_real32.

It is an intressting discussion about who is responcible for moving the 
avatars. For me its not a technical issue but a conseptual. There are 
more than one way to view the problem. My perspective is that the 
acoustic simulation system is a back end system not realy visible (but 
audible :-) ) to the user. There is then a front end system, the 
navigator, which is responcible for the navigation and that system 
should control the listeners position in the world. The user should be 
able to manipulation everything from one client (or it should at least 
be percived as  a single client). If the user is forced to also be aware 
of UVAS everything gets mush more complicated from the users point of view.

I think there is some consensus in that clients who are some kind of 
renderer then its avatar represents the camera/listener. If this is 
agreed up on then somebody else then the client himself has to drive the 
avatar if its a passive client. What do the KTH people say about this?

Then the qustion in our case is who is controling the avatar of UVAS? I 
still think its the navigator. But technicly its simple to follow any 
verse object node, given it has its position and rotation updated often 


Marcus Hoffmann wrote:

>Hi Peter,
>It will be included until the middle, latest the end of next week. Sorry for
>the delay.
>We will - in the first version - upload the transformation of the our
>avatar-object-node using the common verse commands.
>(verse_o_transform_pos_real32, verse_o_transform_rot_real32).
>Wouldn't it be a more general way, if you would get the transformations from
>that avatar-node in your code (because you have knowledge of our object
>node, when we connect)?
>Or don't you download the other objectnodes? (i think this wouldn't drop too
>much performance on your side, object nodes generally are small verse
>If this would be not possible, we would have to identify your node on the
>renderers side (via the tag) and would have to update its coordinates, did I
>get that right?
>For the orientation:
>OpenSG has the possibility to give us the data needed to define the
>orientation. We just would have to find a way to transmit that to you.
>Following the 2 approaches I described above for the
>transformation-information-submission, we could just establish another tag
>for that information, in our object node, or if this version is not possible
>in your object node....
>Then you could get the orientation information everytime you want, because
>it's up-to-date.
>Best Regards
>Marcus Hoffmann
>Dipl. Ing. für Medientechnologie
>Abt. Echtzeitlösungen für Simulation und Visual Analytics
>Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung
>Phone: +49 (0)6151 155 - 639
>Mail: marcus.hoffmann at
>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>Von: uni-verse-bounces at 
>>[mailto:uni-verse-bounces at] Im Auftrag 
>>von Peter Lundén
>>Gesendet: Mittwoch, 5. April 2006 15:40
>>An: Marcus Hoffmann
>>Cc: consortium mailing list
>>Betreff: [Uni-verse] Re: OSGVerse
>>What is the status of the OSGVerse renderer. Can it handle 
>>the navigation now?
>>As we talked about, it must also be able to attach the UVAS 
>>listener object. As discussed in Stockholm the UVAS listener 
>>will be named 'uvas' 
>>and will have tag 'listener' in the 'uvas' tag group ( in the 
>>future we have to find a better naming scheme that works with 
>>more then one listener). You should find that object and 
>>update its position and orientation according to the camera 
>>in the visual renderer.
>>Have you sorted out the problem of how to get the direction? 
>>I dont think there is a reference direction specified for 
>>Verse but UVAS ceartenly have one, the reference direction 
>>vector is (0 0 -1)
>>We need to be able to test the whole demo system with all the 
>>components before the review and is just a few weeks left.
>>Best regards,
>Uni-verse mailing list
>Uni-verse at

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