[Uni-verse] Re: OSGVerse

Peter Lundén plu at tii.se
Wed Apr 5 15:39:57 CEST 2006


What is the status of the OSGVerse renderer. Can it handle the 
navigation now?

As we talked about, it must also be able to attach the UVAS listener 
object. As discussed in Stockholm the UVAS listener will be named 'uvas' 
and will have tag 'listener' in the 'uvas' tag group ( in the future we 
have to find a better naming scheme that works with more then one 
listener). You should find that object and update its position and 
orientation according to the camera in the visual renderer.

Have you sorted out the problem of how to get the direction? I dont 
think there is a reference direction specified for Verse but UVAS 
ceartenly have one, the reference direction vector is (0 0 -1)

We need to be able to test the whole demo system with all the components 
before the review and is just a few weeks left.

Best regards,

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