[Uni-verse] Possible dissemination at Intuition Workshop

Gert Svensson gert at pdc.kth.se
Fri Sep 30 10:29:10 CEST 2005


a poster at this event seems to be an excellent idea.

Best Regards

Lauri Savioja wrote:

>Hi everyone,
>I'm currently at a meeting of INTUITION, a VR-related Network of
>Excellence of EU. The network is organizing a Virtual Reality Workshop
>in the end of November:
>	http://www.intuition2005.org/
>There are two issues I would like to mention:
>1) Check the program, and consider if you would like to participate!
>2) Should we submit a general Verse-poster for this conference? In the
>call one topic is "Interoperability", and it would be a good fit for
>us. I know they don't have to many submissions at the moment. I know
>the poster co-ordinator and he told that it is still possible to
>submit proposal during next week although the official dealine is
>tomorrow. I'll attend the workshop in any case and can present the
>poster is someone prepares it :-). I would be even more happy if
>someone else could both prepare and present the poster at the workshop
>:-) :-).
>	Lauri

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