AW: [Uni-verse] Software release

Sascha Schneider Sascha.Schneider at
Thu Sep 15 14:49:03 CEST 2005


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: uni-verse-bounces at
[mailto:uni-verse-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Gert Svensson
Betreff: [Uni-verse] Software release

> FHG:   Slim Rendering Client (PDA Rendering "Pocket Verse") - 
> preliminary prototype. Does it work for Verse 5?

The Slim Rendering Client für the PDA (named "PocketVerse") is already
available as OpenSource through Sourceforge since 21. February 2005. Verse
R5 is not suppoted yet and this might take time until the end of this WP.

> FHG: Data Reduction Library. License question not solved.

We are aiming for a dual licensing system (free for non commercial use and
not free otherwise) but not all issues have been resolved regarding this
topic yet. Joern will come up with more details on this shortly.
Nevertheless the form of this release is already clear: It comes as a
standard C++ library consisting of *.h and *.lib files. This version was
already given to HUT.

Sascha Schneider - Dipl.-Math. - Sascha.Schneider at
Tel.: 06151/155631 - Fraunhofer IGD - Fraunhoferstraße 5 - 64283 Darmstadt

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