[Uni-verse] Changes for project

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Thu Sep 8 15:23:32 CEST 2005


> Thanks, Eskil, for a clear proposal!

Thank you very much.
> 2) Both the new demonstrator and the architecture demonstrator need an
> owner who writes the specs for the demos. If we trust that a
> demonstrator will appear out of the blue after all WPs are finished,
> we will fail! Someone has to make the spec, and see that all the
> required components will be implemented and integrated by someone. Who
> are the owners ?

I will talk to Ton and see if we can organize one of the demonstratos some

> 3) Resources in WP7 are quite tightly reserved. We will have 'audio
> streaming'-plugins for both of our audio signal processing platforms
> (pd and Mustajuuri). Command-line usage of audio shouldn't be a
> problem. Creating plug-ins for other audio apps is not completely
> impossible but at the moment I don't have possibilities to promise
> that they will be implemented. Just in case, what would be a good
> additional audio application to write a plugin for, in your opinion :-) ?

I talked a bit to Pontus before i sent my mail. My angle is this: If we
are looking for content creation users that are going to want to store and
transfer audio using verse too. So there has to be some tools for that.
The best thing would be have a pluging for say WaveLab or CoolEdit, where
you could edit sound clips directly connected to a verse server. But Im
assuming this would be kind of hard since i dont think they have the kind
of APIs that are required to do it. Also knowing how tricky it has been to
get this kind of functionality in to 3d apps i didnt fell like pushing a
such dificult task on to the audio team. Especialy not since you have had
extra work given to you as you have taken over the geometry reduction

So i tried to find an alterantice: the first thing is that there has to be
some way of geting in and out audio data from a verse server and for this
comand line will be just fine. (and i guess we will need that any way.)

But it would be nice to connect this in some way to all the comersial
tools out there. So there is this system for connecting audio apps
together called: "rewire"
(http://www.propellerheads.se/technologies/rewire/) its for straming audio
from one app to an other localy on a machine. Its open and free and it
wouldent be that hard to make a connection between verse and rewire and
that would verse enable a long rage of audio applications like: Ableton
Live, Adobe Audition, Pro Tools, Logic Audio, Reason, ReBirth, Sony ACID,
Steinberg Cubase och Nuendo.

To me this is a simple way of getting more audio applications connected to
verse, that could be usefull for the project and that wouldent be too much
work to implement.



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