[Uni-verse] Update of WP 6.2 (Alternative Server implementation)

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Thu Sep 8 15:06:00 CEST 2005


It feels like the same featiures could be obtained much more easely. First
of all i think re implementing the entire server is a waist of time. There
is a lot of things and behaviours that are going to be exactly the same as
the current verse server and that is going to take alot of time writing,
testing and to get right (believe me i know...). so the security things
should be added to a version of our server rathere then re-implementing

Then again saving/loading functionality already exists as a separate
applications and there isnt huge need to re implement them either.
Generaly the application you plan to write seams to be just way too big.
The interface should obviusly be a verse client that controls the setings
using the method call system, so that other applications also can be used
and so that it can be done remotely. And if you want to have a webpage
wthat displays statistics and stuff that functionality should also be a
separate application that connects to a server to retreve the data.

Verse is meant to distrobute the development. if you write a webpage
generator, that should obviusly be conectable to any server implementation
not just yours. The same goes for savers, loaders, admin tools and other
things as well. It will also cut the number of dependencys and help
porting of each tool. It makes things so much more flexible if the
functionalitys are separate and you can exchane and modify them



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