[Uni-verse] Re: Letter on payment from the commission

Marlene Andersson marlene.andersson at paregos.com
Tue Oct 18 08:12:17 CEST 2005

Hi Gert

This is okay for Paregos also.

Best Regards

-----Original Message-----
From: uni-verse-bounces at projects.blender.org
[mailto:uni-verse-bounces at projects.blender.org] On Behalf Of Gert
Sent: den 15 oktober 2005 19:52
To: 'Uni-Verse'
Cc: Gert Svensson
Subject: [Uni-verse] Re: Letter on payment from the commission

Dear Partners,

I have made a proposal (attached)  for the distribution of the payment
coming from the commission.

The payment we are receiving is

Allowed contribution in Period 1 - First Prepayment + 40 % of estimated
cost for Period 2 + 6 months

I have applied the same calculation based on the assumption that
partners costs is evenly distributed over the project.

This gives column G in the excel sheet.

According to this calculation MinusPlus comes on a minus,  that is they
should send money back.
This would be unreasonable so I suggest disregard this.

To give Blender  30 000 Euro additionally  for Orange I have reduced the
other partners to about 93 %. This gives the amount in the pink column

Please check and approve!

Formally I see this as a  per capsulam PCC decision.

Best Regards

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