[Uni-verse] WP9 updates

Angela Plohman aplohman at dds.nl
Wed Nov 16 23:28:55 CET 2005

Hi all,

I am writing to update you on WP9 activities.

First, we have updated D9.1 (Exploitation Plan) based on the comments 
from the reviewers. I have uploaded the documents to the uni-verse.org 
site under WP9. There you will find the new, revised core text of the 
deliverable, the overview table of exploitable results, and the SotA 
reports as they were sent to me. Please take a look at these documents 
and send any comments by next week. These docs will be sent in with the 
mid-term report to the Commission. Please note that Gert decided not to 
change the dates of the software releases in the overview table for this 
report - we will change and explain delays when we send in the Year 2 
report to the Commission.

Secondly, please do not forget to send me information on all of your 
dissemination activities so that I can keep the online agenda and the 
D9.2 overview table up to date!

Many thanks in advance for your comments.

Kind regards,

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