[Uni-verse] Uni-verse movie presentation, further explanation of the synopsis

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Mon Mar 7 16:40:34 CET 2005


> The Universe is supposed to act as an overall visual concept for the whole
> presentation, not as a metaphor for the "content" or project. It's a
> (pretty good) way to motivate the visual concept. Instead of using just
> "random dots" or "cool stuff" I think of the Universe, or a
> starfield-kind-of-thing, as a suitable visual container for the "content".
> The "content" is what's beeing told and displayed". The "universe" is a
> starting point and a visual concept, not an explaining metaphor.

Sounds great! Space as a visual consept is great, just take a look at
conector! I think this could be great. Have you got a script yet? i would
love to take alook at it / help you write it.



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