[Uni-verse] Uni-verse movie presentation, further explanation of the synopsis

Fredrik Danielsson fredrik.danielsson at paregos.com
Mon Mar 7 13:44:48 CET 2005

The use of the Universe as metaphor for explaining the Uni-Verse project outlined in the synopsis could have been clarified better :-)
The Universe is supposed to act as an overall visual concept for the whole presentation, not as a metaphor for the "content" or project. It's a (pretty good) way to motivate the visual concept. Instead of using just "random dots" or "cool stuff" I think of the Universe, or a starfield-kind-of-thing, as a suitable visual container for the "content". The "content" is what's beeing told and displayed". The "universe" is a starting point and a visual concept, not an explaining metaphor.
So to be hands on, I plan to use a "starfield"-theme in which a human actor will interact with the "starfield" to tell & form relevant images and explanations, which here includes analogies of different sort. 
I think things will get clearer when the first drafts of the script is made availible.
Best regards
Fredrik Danielsson
Art Director/Graphic Designer
P.O. Box 29
SE-931 21 Skellefteå, Sweden
Phone [New number]: +46(0)709-95 45 02
www.paregos.com <http://www.paregos.com/> 
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