[Uni-verse] Fixing a Verse version for the Uni-Verse project

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Tue Jun 21 17:01:59 CEST 2005


> So, what do you think about this proposal?

Well everything you say is true, i just think that there are other better
reasons to keep verse moving.

The changes made from R4 - R5 are so small that they should not be a
problem for any one, and R5 - R6 is likely to be even less. With the
numberd releases we think we have already solved the problem of what
version is the Official one (R4 at the moment). The perhaps only issiue
one might have is that Emil and I and a such large part of the comunity is
working with the development version of R5.

The biggest issiue i have with a locked down Uni-verse version of verse is
that it detaches uni-verse things form all other verse thinks, And if you
think that is "fine" im not sure we are on the same page as to what this
project is about. This project is about connecting things not just whit in
the project but on a grander scale, and if we dont do that we may as well
go our separate ways. When i hear things at the PPC meeting like: "once
this project is over we wont update/use the software anyway" makes me
wonder why the software is written at all. I imagine a future for the
things i do.

I think that a large part of what i read out of you mail is a difference
in culture. This is a open source project, things evolve, people
comunicate and if you want something fixed you talk to people and ask them
if they are willing to do it or you do it your selfs. You expected us to
deliver a finished API, where everything tested and documented, it doesnt
work like that, we dont have the resources to do that. You dont
partisipate in most comunity activity, you are not on IRC and are rarely
sending any mails. You said you couldent figure out what was new in R5?
well its all been talked about on the mailing list. Changes have often
been vented befere they even have been implemented. There are may good
reason why we should keep verse moving, and why you should keep up.


A very large part of this project deals with sound, i cant remember a
single mail containing any experiences had using the verse sound API. To
go a head and say that that is the final word on what verse sound API
should look like is madness.

Other good example:

You are talking about writing a alternative Server implementation for
multiple CPUs. At the same time im working on a re-write of verse that
would make it at least 10 times faster. This patch has bugs in it and wont
go in to R5. So if you write a server locked down for r5 and run it on a
quad machine, my basic verse server will be more then twice as fast on a
single CPU just because i run a later version of the API. I dont think
that makes for a very good argumet for the alterantive server

I feel like i have written this email beging people to get more involved a
few times, and im starting to feel discurraged. Emil who has been doing a
lot of work on the doc were not aware of the problems you have simply
because you dont email us about it. Thees are your problems not mine, all
you had to do was to make them mine we would be glad to have them, but
until you do they are all yours.


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