[Uni-verse] Verse trademark

Ton Roosendaal ton at blender.org
Sun Jun 12 11:34:33 CEST 2005


Recently I've been looking at Blender trademark issues (we've got a EU  
trademark deposited, but in the name of the former NaN company still).


I checked for "Verse" which to my big surprise has no hits in the  
database (for Blender you get 8 hits). It would be wise to think over  
depositing Verse asap. The costs of a deposit is about 1000 euro. Main  
problem is that it's advised to involve a legal person with it. But -  
probably - the KTH will have some legal experts in their network?

We could do the deposit as part of the "marketing budget" we'll have to  
agree on still.


Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton at blender.org  

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