[Uni-verse] Re: [Fwd: UNI-VERSE Annual Review] URGENT

Peter Becker peter.becker at tii.se
Thu Jan 20 08:37:20 CET 2005

Hi Gert,

 As you know, both dates suites us from the Interactive Inst.

Peter Becker

Thursday, January 20, 2005, 7:29:44 AM, skrev du:

GS> Dear Partners,

GS> the persons  who have replied to this have been positive of
GS> both dates. Is there a consensus of this?
GS> I need your reply today otherwise I suggest  both dates to the
GS> commission.

GS> Best Regards
GS> Gert

GS> Gert Svensson wrote:

>> Dear Partners,
>> It seems as a consensus that we should have the upcoming review in 
>> Stockholm.
>> For the date of the review I would suggest Thursday April  7 and 
>> Friday April 8 or the  week after: April 14 and 15.
>> A preparatory meeting will be held the day before the review.
>> So
>> Alternative 1: April 6-8
>> Alternative 2: April 13-15
>> Please let me know right away if this is OK for you!
>> All partners has to be present at this review and the preparatory 
>> meeting.
>> Best Regards
>> Gert Svensson
>> Gert Svensson wrote:
>>> Information from the commission about the review.
>>> Is there any preferences on dates? All partners HAS TO BE PRESENT!
>>> Recent news is also that they will require an audit certificate for 
>>> the each
>>> finical report!  The information given by the previous project 
>>> officer is claimed to be
>>> wrong.
>>> Can we justify to have the review in Stockholm or Finland because we
>>> would like  to demonstrate some audio features?
>>> Best Regards
>>> Gert
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Subject:
>>> UNI-VERSE Annual Review
>>> From:
>>> Konstantinos.Papanikolaou at cec.eu.int
>>> Date:
>>> Mon, 13 Dec 2004 10:32:15 +0100
>>> To:
>>> gert at pdc.kth.se
>>> To:
>>> gert at pdc.kth.se
>>> CC:
>>> Viviane.DE-PAUW at cec.eu.int, INFSO-IST-002228 at cec.eu.int
>>> Dear Gert,
>>> Please see the attachment.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Kostas Papanikolaou
>>> European Commission,
>>> DG INFSO D.2/BU 29/5-41,
>>> B-1049 Brussels,
>>> Tel. 32 2 2964147 (secretary Mme Viviane de Pauw, tel. 32 2 2998798)
>>> Fax 32 2 2962178.
>>> <<Letterannual review.doc>>
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