[Uni-verse] Re: Meeting next week

Gert Svensson gert at pdc.kth.se
Mon Jan 17 17:01:02 CET 2005

Dear Partners,

one of the main issues on this meeting should have been the 
dissemination and exploitation plan.
However Angela and Ton have indicated that they can't attend a meeting 
the suggested day.
This  means that it would be better to have the meeting later.

However I haven't got any comments IF we could cope with doing a first 
class specification and
dissemination and exploitation plan without any meeting.   Any comments?
If not when would a meeting be appropriate (presumably before Jan 31).

Best Regards

Lauri Savioja wrote:

>Hi Gert,
>Could you, please, confirm what is our plan regarding the proposed
>meeting next week. So far I haven't made any travel preparations, but
>think I should make some it quite soon if we are going to have the
>meeting. So, basically I have two questions:
>1) Shall we have the meeting?
>2) If we have the meeting, where it will take place?
>All the best,
>	Lauri

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