Paregos movie (was Re: [Uni-verse] Problems)

Ton Roosendaal ton at
Mon Feb 28 12:48:03 CET 2005

Hi Niklas,

Being WP9 Dissemination coordinator, the BF is a likely candidate for  
being involved. Making movies is something I've done a lot in past, so  
this interests me in general. :)

The little trailer, with the overlay idea for drawing diagrams, looks  
very cool, a visual concept you can do a lot with.
The general concept proposal, using the 'universe forces' as a metaphor  
I have doubts about however. Especially this line illustrates the  

"The concept for the Uni-Verse presentation movie is based on the  
Universe. It has the strongest rules, the four fundamental forces, and  
space is 3D. You move up-down, left-right, back and forth. At last, the  
Universe can contain anything, only our imagination sets the limits."

I don't really see an interesting or useful analogy between the  
"fundamental forces in the universe" and "3D", especially not in the  
meaning the uni-verse project applies it. These fundamental forces are  
also extremely complex to grasp... and directly related to the search  
of holy grail, the "unified theory". For people who physics, you might  
only invoke confusement.

A good analogy or metaphor should work especially for the audience,  
giving a mental model (picture in mind) useful for understanding  
If you prefer real-life analogy of what uni-verse does, you get closer  
when you think of it as communication, language, scripture... or the  
invention of railways, telegraph, or even the internet. :)


On 28 Feb, 2005, at 10:38, Niklas Forslund wrote:

> We can´t access the server. There are two things that we would like to  
> know (if you will be able to start the session).
> First:
> - Any comments to Fredrik Danielssons mail on Friday? (info at:  
> .)
> - It would be great if a smaller group could be responsible for  
> decision making regarding the film. Who?
> Best
> /Niklas
> -----Original Message-----
> From: uni-verse-bounces at  
> [mailto:uni-verse-bounces at] On Behalf Of Gert  
> Svensson
> Sent: den 28 februari 2005 10:25
> To: uni-verse at
> Subject: [Uni-verse] Problems
> It seems that the server has stopped to work??
> Gert
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Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton at

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