[Uni-verse] Problems

Niklas Forslund niklas.forslund at paregos.com
Mon Feb 28 10:38:30 CET 2005

We can´t access the server. There are two things that we would like to know (if you will be able to start the session). 

- Any comments to Fredrik Danielssons mail on Friday? (info at: http://projekt.paregos.com/uni-verse/ .)

- It would be great if a smaller group could be responsible for decision making regarding the film. Who?


-----Original Message-----
From: uni-verse-bounces at projects.blender.org [mailto:uni-verse-bounces at projects.blender.org] On Behalf Of Gert Svensson
Sent: den 28 februari 2005 10:25
To: uni-verse at blender.org
Subject: [Uni-verse] Problems

It seems that the server has stopped to work??

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