[Uni-verse] Dissemination activities

Angela Plohman aplohman at dds.nl
Wed Feb 9 13:50:14 CET 2005

Dear All,

Thanks for your message Lauri.

For deliverable 9.2, in addition to the table I sent yesterday, we have prepared
an extensive document with many different plans for dissemination, including
mention of journal publications, reports on our website, further press releases,
conferences, EC-related activities, final report, demonstrations, courses,
software releases, etc. I completely understand that by looking at the table, it
seemed like quite a lot was missing or hadn't been thought of at all, but I will
send the extensive document to the list this week which should hopefully help to
answer your questions. But please know that all of these elements have not been

But you are indeed right that I should add the items from the narrative plan to
the overview table so that they appear there as well. I will do this

All the best,

Lauri Savioja wrote:

> Dear All,
> Angela, thanks for compiling the results. The table looks nice on
> first look, but after a bit deeper inspection we became
> worried about our situation. According to the table most of the
> dissemination has been done already. Is this really the message we
> want to give to the commission? Couple of points:

> 1) This is supposed to be a _research_ project (the letter R in STREP
> stands for research). Making research without any plans to publish the
> results is not research in our opinion. Are we going to publish any
> scientific papers during the project? It is obvious, that we can't
> know in advance that the papers will get accepted, but at least we
> should try to submit papers to relevant conferences and journals.

> 2) There seems to be some unbalance related to dissemination
> activity. Should we all have some target to disseminate our results
> somehow. We can't say that HUT is represented any better in the
> list. The message we are trying to convey is that shouldn't we all be
> more proud of what we are doing and have a bit more ambitious goals in
> dissemination. Being present in SIGGRAPH and Blender Conference is a
> good start, but we think it is not enough.

> 3) In the end of the project we should disseminate the results all
> over.  What was the reason to have so many press articles etc. in the
> beginning if we do not have any publication plan in the end of the
> project?  Since D9.2 is the _plan_ we should write down at least as
> many press articles etc. as in the beginning of the project!
> Regards,
> 	Lauri Savioja
> 	Tapio Lokki
> On Tue, 08 Feb 2005, Angela Plohman wrote:
>>Hi everyone,
>>In order to finalise the dissemination plan, I wanted to ask all of you
>>to take a look at the attached table of dissemination activities and let
>>me know if you have any other items to add. If you do, please send them
>>to me in the same format as shown in the table, as soon as possible.
>>I will be sending drafts of the dissemination and exploitation plans
>>soon for your comments.
>>Kind regards,
>>Uni-verse mailing list
>>Uni-verse at projects.blender.org

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