[Uni-verse] Blender Conference tentative schedule

Ton Roosendaal ton at blender.org
Thu Sep 16 15:23:57 CEST 2004

Hi all,

More information on the conference is online now:

We've scheduled Verse sessions friday and saturday.

If there's need for additional (universe partner) meeting rooms we need  
to know it a.s.a.p. During the conference that's possible downstairs,  
but these rooms need to be hired (paid for) separately.

We will reserve in de Waag during thursday a meeting room for thursday.  
Will keep you updated on that. Possible it's only for afternoon  
though... (let's say 12:30 start)

Gert, can you mail us the list of participants for thursday, and a  
proposal for a meeting schedule (topics) for thursday? I think the  
afternoon makes best chance for everyone to be available.

I would also appreciate everyone who will attend to subscribe now via  
our website, and also pay the (very humble) entrance fee for the  
conference in advance.

The BF will take care of drinks/lunch for the meeting(s) of thursday  
though. :)


Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton at blender.org  

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