[Uni-verse] RE: [Uni-verse]

Marcus Hoffmann uni-verse@blender.org
Mon, 17 May 2004 10:45:48 +0200

i think this should be at the universe mailing list, because this is related
to everyone who is using verse in this project. and if someone runs into the
same problem he doesn't have to search for a solution anywhere else, don't
you think?!

so...i did the extern c  ;))
but the problem can not be solved with that...
only if i use the c-file with the implementation of the needed function
directly i can solve this. but thats not the way it should work i think...


-----Original Message-----
From: uni-verse-admin@blender.org [mailto:uni-verse-admin@blender.org]On
Behalf Of Emil Brink
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 10:30 AM
To: uni-verse@blender.org
Subject: Re: [Uni-verse] (no subject)

On Mon, 17 May 2004, Marcus Hoffmann wrote:

> hi friends,

Hi Marcus!

> I've really got a problem using verse and i think this is related to all
> us.
> I compiled verse as a .lib and included it in my vc++ project. This was no
> problem! ;)
> So i only have a verse.h and a verse.lib file.
> now i've tried to use the verse functions and even the simplest things (
> verse_set_connect_port(int) ) are NOT found by the linker. They are found
> while compiling, because the definition stands in the verse.h file. But
> linker doesn't find any implementation. I can only fix this if i don't use
> the lib and include the relating .c file from verse with the
> of the needed function directly. I think this is really a problem and is
> needed to be fixed.
> I don't know if someone got the same problem, but i would be greatful for
> some comments.

Um, my first question, and forgive me if this is obvious and you
already tried it: did you enclose the your inclusion of "verse.h"
with extern "C" in your program? I assume your main program is in C++
here, and such a declaration is then necessary. It is not present in
the verse.h file, since the declaration itself is C++, and Verse is
written in C.

Did you do this? If you did, then we need to investigate more what is
going wrong. If you by any chance did not, then please try again and
let me know if it helps.

By the way, this e-mail would perhaps have been more well-suited to
send to the verse-dev mailing list, since it's a technical question
about the Verse code.


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