[Uni-verse] Logotype

Emil Brink uni-verse@blender.org
Thu, 13 May 2004 14:05:50 +0200 (MEST)

On Thu, 13 May 2004, Niklas Forslund wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> Gert asked Paregos to make a logotype for the Uni-Verse project. This is
> something we often do; however in this case there is not time for a perfect
> process. Enclosed you will find two examples. They are based on a workshop
> lasting about 10 minutes, however we will not be able to change the basic
> concepts. Give us feedback!

Cool. Personally, I prefer the second alternative, but have problems
motivating why. For some reason it has better associations for me,
the triangular one makes me think of biohazard/radiation warning
signs, and generally feels to "hard" and inaccessible. Heh. Or some-
thing, as I said these things are difficult to formulate.

Just my  EUR 0.02, I guess.

