[Uni-verse] RE: Attachment

Lauri Savioja uni-verse@blender.org
Mon, 8 Mar 2004 13:36:03 +0200

Hi Sascha and Volker,

Thanks for your prompt replies!

1) It is an excellent idea to have the reduction available as a verse
client! I have nothing against that, I was just wandering if it would
be possible to have it as a library as well :-).

2) I mean that there are two figures labeled "Communication using a
Simplify Server in between", although the latter one presents
something very different.


On Mon, 08 Mar 2004, Sascha Schneider wrote:

> Hi Lauri,
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: uni-verse-admin@blender.org [mailto:uni-verse-admin@blender.org]On
> >
> > - Have you considered the option of having the reduction module
> > available as a separate library? For the acoustic modeling it would be
> > nice if we could integrate the reduction more tightly to our module.
> Yes of course. We thought it will be a good thing to make a system layout
> conform to the idea of verse. So it is nice to have a verse client available
> which is capable of crunshing geometry input and giving it back through
> verse. This for example enables us to have this data reduction run on a
> cluster, having a very high computation power, which is necessary for large
> scenes (a theater scene for example), and only give the final output of the
> reduction back through verse. Nevertheless we will have an eye on a library
> version of the data reduction module if it comes out that the verse
> communication for example will be the bottleneck instead of the
> computiation.
> > - The caption of your last figure is most probably incorrect as it is
> > the same as in the previous figure.
> If you refer to figure labeled "Everything connected through the Verse
> server to the Simplify Client" and the figure "Communication using a
> Simplify Server in between" they are different: In the second one a
> simplification server is in between the communication path.
> > - I'm quite new to this, but just out of curiosity I would like to
> > know what is the relation of OpenGL ES and PocketGL ?
> They are both different ports of the OpenGL Library to PDAs. Each with
> different advantages and disadvantages. So they are a kind of "PDA optimized
> OpenGL".
> viele Grüsse
> Sascha Schneider - Dipl.-Math. - Sascha.Schneider@igd.fhg.de
> Tel.: 06151/155631 - Fraunhofer IGD - Fraunhoferstraße 5 - 64283 Darmstadt
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Lauri Savioja
Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Laboratory
Helsinki University of Technology
PO Box 5400, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland
Tel. +358-9-451 3237     Fax +358-9-451 5014