[Uni-verse] Re: Contract

Gert Svensson uni-verse@blender.org
Thu, 04 Mar 2004 13:29:40 +0100

The KTH president has signed the contract and I sent out the accession 
forms to all partners yesterday with DHL.
You should probably have received it by now.

Please follow the instructions in the letter and return two signed forms 
to me as soon as possible with courier.

All contract papers can be found in the following zip archive.

Best Regards

Gert Svensson wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> I have now recived the contract from the commission for us to approve. 
> The prefinancing is 60 %.
> After a lot of discussion I feel that is the best we can achieve.
> I know this may still cause problems for the Blender foundation.
> As I mentioned previously I would suggest that larger partners would
> decrease their prefinancing slightly to give Blender 80 % as 
> anticipated earlier.
> As far as I can recall we and HUT supported this scheme.
> How about FHG/IGD could you support Blender with a lower share
> of  pre-financing?
> Please send me your comments!
> After that I  will come up with a distribution which I will enter into 
> the
> consortium agreement.
> Best Regards
> Gert